Random choice as co author. You had to have been or are a member of UO (Uru Obsession). The first person who contacts me will be the new co author next Saturday night.
If not, I’ll fly the blog solo again.
Random choice as co author. You had to have been or are a member of UO (Uru Obsession). The first person who contacts me will be the new co author next Saturday night.
If not, I’ll fly the blog solo again.
I had a nice 11 hour sleep… Didn’t really feel like going anywhere today as it was 45 F outside. Had some leftover homemade ham and egg fried rice and spicy cucumber salad made with a leftover korean salad dressing I made not too long ago.
Had a boring dream about working on a computer. It was pretty uneventful.
To those parts of the world that celebrates it anyway.. I don’t 😛
So here is a little artwork I made today just for the fun of it.. don’t you just feel like taking his hand and follow?
Lets see… Laundry is going, I just finished a Thai omelet with toast and milk, it’s a cold blustery day outside… Think I’ll try and nap now…
The save page as function… A MOUL moderators worst enemy.
Well, work went alright. I don’t think I’ll be laying back down for awhile though (too wired on caffeine). Think I’ll grab a bite to eat and do a couple chores.
I should be sleeping right now… But I need to vent before I lay down or my anger will open up a portal to a dimension filled with dick eating monsters.
I got extended at work today and didn’t get to leave till 9pm. I have to be back at 6am…
Due to Adam (Hoikas’s) busy schedule he was unable to co author this week. Oh well, there’s always next time!
This weeks co author helped me get taken off of syndication once before, please welcome moderator of the Guild Wars, Online worlds and Star Trek forum, good friend and arch rival Dreaminggirl!!!
The next position for co author is open to anyone. If no one is interested then that will be a week where I go solo.
Here’s a good story folks,
A cashier called me to grab some D batteries for a customer. It’s not even my job but I did it anyway. Anyway I grabbed them and handed them to the cashier. “Those aren’t D batteries!” she and the customer said. I pointed out to them that yes they are D batteries, you can tell because they say so on the packaging… “Ohhh I need this battery!”. So I go get it “Here are your 9 volt batteries maam…”. Gawd, not even the cashier knew…
Other than that it was an average busy Friday evening. I came home and worked on another intro that I’ll be using for my Public Service Announcements. I was inspired by a dream that I had last night. For some reason I was in this castle walking on floating platforms making my way to a chair with 2 guards claiming to be my servants standing next to it. I honestly have no clue how that dream came to be.