The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Open Thread

Lets see, last night I went to bed at about 6 am… Woke up at 3:11 this afternoon, got a call from work asking if I could work a shift today at 4. So I took it and came home at 8. Tore into a laptop someone gave me to work on (they wanted it wiped and reinstalled), I ran the install last night after formatting the Hard Drive, did some tweaks to it today and found out that not all of the data for windows installed properly. All sorts of shit was missing like Internut Exploder, windoze update, defrag.exe… And services won’t execute properly or remember what values I enter.I must say this is an interesting puzzle I have. I’m guessing either the hard drive is going bad, or there is a boot sector virus.

So then I decided to take a break and finish portal (again) to see the new ending that was just added today. It’s real… Interesting. I have a feeling it will either be a sequel to portal, HL2 E3, or a crossover of the two.

>Game thread.

I played with some of the portal update tonight. Interesting stuff. Too lazy to finish it right now though.

Last night though, I was bored and decided to retexture one of my gmod players. Because you know… I hate haxxing and stuff…

In that picture the logo doesn’t display properly for some reason. I think it’s the boob. I didn’t make the logo by the way. I got it from BAD’s photobucket. It was supposed to be a shirt texture for Uru. But at least I’m putting it to some kind of use. 🙂

So there you have it, I’ve gone vocaloid.

>Dumb Children

Earlier tonight someone who friended me on steam was upset that they lost all their illegal games in a computer meltdown and wanted me to buy them a game. (this happens all the time with other people too… Kids that get left alone on the internet.) And just when I didn’t think this kid was stupid enough he gives me his phone number. At first I thought it was fake, but he seriously told me to call him. So I did what a good person would do. Yelled at him for it. He already told me that he’s 11 years old, he hardly knows me, he only met me because I happened to be in a chatroom once, not to mention that I’ve only talked to this person about 4 times, he doesn’t even know if I’m a guy or a girl, and here he is giving out his family’s home phone just so he can have someone to talk to?

During the days of dialup I was schooled in the do’s and don’ts of the internet. And the first and foremost thing you do NOT do is give out ANY personal information to people you don’t know. And why would you anyway when you have voice chat and text options? Do people NOT know about and other places that can track down information with a single phone number?

That’s the kind of kid that needs mommy or daddy watching his online time…

>Instinctive dreams

I had a dream this morning. It was something about being at a rock concert, I’m not really sure who the band was but I seem to recall seeing someone wear dream catcher earrings and a high ponytail. And saw good things happening to them. I woke up today and without thinking about it I did just that. And my entire work day was a good one.

I don’t think the dream meant anything significant. But after having certain dreams I like taking the advice (within reason), I once had a nightmare about a dog passing away and found out a few days later that one of my aunts dog’s had to be put down from old age. And another where a friend betrays me, and eventually she did. Again, I’m not saying it’s anything significant. But sometimes it’s better to listen to what moves from the back of your head and into your dreams.