>Violent video games are evil.

As all of us Myst/Uru lovers know, violent video games are by far the evilest of evil. But what is more evil than violent video gaming? Simple, video games that let you build your own stuff. In short, Open Sourcing.

Take Valve for example. They created the Half Life series as well as other games and their own Source engine. Their legacy was ruined when the HL2 Beta was leaked all over the world as well as Valve’s source code. They may claim that even after their hard work and tools got out onto the internet that it helped generate a better fanbase. But I say they’re in denial.

Another example of pure evil is the fan content that spawned from this. I’m not talking simple things such as extra maps. No… Something much worse.


Now, some of you are aware that I own Garrysmod. But I was willing to purchase it just to see how evil it is, and sure enough there is a lot of evil there. For gods sake they let you do whatever you want!!! YOU can be GOD!!!! And only the people who create these games should be the ones playing god. Look at these pictures, what do you see in all of them?





The problem? They are completely going away from story canon. And for what? To have fun? It’s not worth it…

What if people made videos like these for Uru? The very thought makes one shiver…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGzWnIh_qMU&hl=en&fs=1]

Valve suffers from having a large fanbase that has the ability to be creative and have fun. Thank your lucky stars that we have restrictions.

While I await Canon Uru, Gmod needs more investigation.

>Bod is an Ecchi-monster!

1st of all I would like to thank Tomala for inviting me back to post here, especially after the last time, but that’s OK cos no carrots were harmed in any way.

Anyway, to the point of this verbal gobbering.

bod, is an Ecchi-monster. no site is safe from his hunt for all that is ecchi.

“what is Ecchi?” you ask, well its slightly rude things pretty much, mainly anime/manga based. he is too scared for anything stronger.
But ecchi is more than enough for this fiend.

He is often found frequenting here: Linky, a hive of Ecchiness if I ever saw one, and I know, that’s my page.
(Don’t worry, anything particularly naughty is hidden from non members, but take note, it is an art site.)

“But if that’s your page doesn’t that make you and ecchi monster?”

hehehe no. tot he creator its not that much, for they know how it was made and what went into the creation of it. This makes it less, or not ecchi at all for said creator.

But to watchers like Bod it is a place to feed off of pics of boobies and bums.

It can be easily told when he is going to look for Ecchi when he approaches the computer with lewdness in his eyes.

I urge you, If ever visited by Bod, to password protect your PC, and also Hide your Shoes. its not that he isn’t house trained, its just another one of his vices.

That is all.. and please.. don’t have nightmares.

>Cleaning up


Looks like I’m going to have to clean up my act. Cut down on the lulz, cease the rage and remove any references to how Evolved Rationalist’s awesome handling of a pants-on-head retarded script kiddie caused me to furiously fap for over two hours nonstop NO END SENTENCE BEGIN ANEW

You’re welcome.

>Peace was found. For today…

The Sun was shining today and it was a beautiful day! Not a single thing to ruin it. I was even in a mood to take flower pictures.





And there was even some gentle wind for my awesome hair. Which had these nice clips in it.


Purple butterflies and a peace sign around my neck, plus big flower earrings. Didn’t wear tie dye or had any knives on me. Heck I didn’t even tote around a gun. At least not today 🙂 What can I say? The Overlord in me tries to kill off the hippie inside. But it still clings on and never goes away… Damn my parents and their 1980’s music loving!!!!! shakes fist

And on another random note. Bongmaster will be co author of the week starting Sunday!!!!

Thank you and goodnight/day.

>The ASSembly of new rules.

If you go over to MystBlogs right now you’ll find their new nifty set of rules to follow:

The Rules

The Myst Blogs and Uru Blogs moderators reserve the right to temporarily or indefinitely remove blog posts or whole blogs from the sites while reviewing content issues of the following nature:

  • sexually explicit, suggestive, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive content,
  • profanity,
  • trolling, spamming, harassing people, ad-hominem attacks and other negative behavior.

Ok… If DreamingGirl’s anime pics were offensive. Then I say this is bestiality. This once again supports my theory that ol Denny hates the Japanese but has a fetish for farm animals.

The trolling and harassment rule is interesting as well. By these rules Alahmaht should have gotten his ass kicked out of MystBlogs for his hate rant against Slackers. In light of this, I will offer some help to Denis and end his list properly.

The Rules

The Myst Blogs and Uru Blogs moderators reserve the right to temporarily or indefinitely remove blog posts or whole blogs from the sites while reviewing content issues of the following nature:

  • sexually explicit, suggestive, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive content,
  • profanity,
  • trolling, spamming, harassing people, ad-hominem attacks and other negative behavior.
  • DISCLAIMER: members of the Asshat Secret Society need not follow the rules. In the eyes of the holy Rand you are the chosen ones who shall protect canon ass as well as your own.

Go ahead. Keep pushing anyone you see as”impure” out of the community. Like I’ve said all along, only those who love Canon are the true lovers of Cyan. Anyone who likes the idea of fan ages and random nonsense or even has the faintest idea of having both canon and non canon shards co existing needs to be fired out of a cannon.

/end fuckwittery