The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>ZOMG He’s back!!!!

That’s right folks. DorK, our #1 goat fucker extraordinare has reared his head in my presence once again. THIS time at the MOUL forum where he was responding to JWPlatt’s comment in the thread about the shard that was ok’d but not ok’d by Cyan.


After some research – i.e. reading Tomala’s blog – I came to understand that she only speaks in Sarcasm. Once I finally understood that, her language is perfectly clear. I was shocked to have taken so long because I thought I could speak Sarcasm so well, but she is hands-down the master.

Before I put DorK’s comment, this is going to be framed and placed in my hallway…


Don’t flatter her, her ego is big enough!

Did someone say goat?

I would like to let the rest of the community know that it would be impossible for my ego to get any bigger than it is. By watching my mentor Stephen Colbert I know that once it gets big enough it cannot get any bigger. Though I guess you can dream.

I leave you all with an egotistical quote.

“Screw the rules, I have shards.”

>Open Thread

Today I soaked some color up at the river. Someone was climbing on a slippery redwood in the water and managed to fall on their… Yeah. That inspired an idea for a future age that my family and I would love to write.

I finally tried a white chocolate macadamia breakfast cookie! And it was yummmmm. Think the regular cookie only in breakfast form…. Heavenly goodness from San once again.

It was a nice three days off from Slavery. Now I’ll work another 3 days. Then my actual paid vacation time can begin! At that point I’ll prepare for my Spokane adventure.

Oh, and I have a cute kitty picture. Sammy found a new hiding place.


>ZOMG shardz uhgen!!!!

During my computer tweaking time (to other peoples systems) I managed to read the forums and heard this gem.



We now have the Okay from Cyan to make the Shard public.
You can freely discuss it, except for the Myst Online Forums…
They don’t really like it, since theyre still working on MOOS (Open Source).
But other than that: yay 🙂


Well, now that you’re official I guess I won’t have to plan a protest on your shard anymore.


Cyan Worlds did not give the “OK” or any form of sanction for any shard outside of Cyan, including the pelishard.


Get your picket signs ready everyone! Now that they’re illegal again I’ll have to get drizzle setup and meet you there! Lets protest the heek out of that server!!!(and maybe the other ones too…)

>Sunday Night Open Thread

I’m back for another 3 days of primary Overlording over my minions. And while I do that I think I’ll do artistic things and stuff. I’ll figure out specifics after my scheduled coma.

Time for some food blogging. Yesterday San made a really tasty raspberry sugary cake that just barely lasted 2 days. And her latest creation is banana bread… With chocolate chips!!!!! On another note, I can’t wait to try her White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Breakfast cookies. San’s breakfast cookies are great for the Overlord on the go first thing in the morning!

And now back to my unscheduled things and stuff.

>Ass Crabs

I went to the river today with my evil parents. And it was fun! I wore my newest bikini that I got as an offering to the Overlord. Water was a tad chilly today but got a good swim in. The ass crabs were out today whilst I sat at the edge of the river. I was sitting in the water minding my own business, when the ass crab was right behind me. San caught it just in time. If only there were more… We could have had a ass crab (craw daddy) boil…

I had a nice Cheeseburger at relay for life after I got off work. For those of you that don’t know relay for life it’s the American Cancer Society’s most well known activity. Anyone can help participate in it to fight against cancer. To learn more about it check out this website.

Unfortunately I couldn’t stay long since a higher power demands to have me from 8:30 am till 4:30 pm tomorrow. But last year I had a wonderful time. I won the PJ contest and the cakewalk.

Well, 8:30 comes very early. So your overlord shall now lay to rest.

>Screw the rules, I have even MORE money.

Well, I didn’t really go to the BBQ (due to the fact that the weather wasn’t right AND I wasn’t all that hungry. San did go and has informed me that I won $25. Jeez this has to be my luckiest week yet! Throw money at your overlord! All I need is $15 more and I can afford an external hard drive that normal people would expect me to pay for with my own money. But hey, now I can “screw the rules”.

I didn’t really do much, just kicked back and had a couple hard lemonades and am finishing the night off with a giant pot of tea. Just had my Japanese Cucumber and crab salad with pickled ginger and a rice vinegar soy sauce dressing. mmmm. Healthy and flavorful! But for now, chocolate hazelnut tea for the win!

I think tomorrow I will push myself to do something artistic, Overlord’s have to be creative. And stuff…

In the meantime I am trying to recruit someone from one of the Uru forums to come protest on the shards with me. We’ll see how this goes.


A nice lavender shower really relaxes the Overlord along with some nice Chocolate hazelnut tea. Yes! Chocolate Hazelnut tea!!! Good stuff.

And I came home tonight to steak, shrimp, scallops in pasta, salad, blue cheese dressing, and peppered corn. Good stuff to calm the Brookings rage I felt for awhile today while I was out doing work.

On another note I found an older picture of me from a few years ago. Before the red and brown hair dyes.


I will always love that shade I was born with. Which is why I still keep some in my current head of hair, which pisses off old people or the anally retentive.

Attention Duelists!!! My hair pisses people off!

I call it my BS detector. If something like hair scares people or upsets them and not some sort of action that would normally provoke these feelings, then they don’t deserve my attention. Having hair that allows me to draw out the feelings of various people is almost like having some sort of super power. So these people just automatically assume that people who dress normal are normal, right? Sure… I see a lot of politicians on TV who dress normal… Democrats sleeping with other women and gay Republicans getting into trouble and expecting their fellow associates to fight their battles for them. Sure… They’re more normal than I am.

Jeez I’m making political references??? Obviously I need to go to bed…

>Screw the rules, I have money.

That’s right. On Friday I found $20 lying around. And the next day I found $40. Luck has been on my side all of last week. And this week shall be super special awesome! I already have plans for my summer kitchen experiments.

This week shall be Overlord’s week. Now I know every week is the Overlord’s week. But it’ll REALLY be moreso than usual. Just count yourself lucky that it isn’t slavemas yet.