The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Best joke I’ve heard all day. … ntry598299

Jamey wrote:
Who are you people?

What happened to our community that was once so kind to everyone and did not judge anyone or anything at first glance, or make assumptions about things or people? Our community who was so kind to everyone and treated each other like a loving family?

I pray this will be behind us all, once URU returns.

If it does not, I will pray for the future of our community…

>Saving the community.

Community, I have said it before and I will say it again. This blog is for Uru’s Heroes! And who are Uru’s Heroes? The people that read this blog. Which is why I must point out a post over at The Great Tree forum.


An interesting fact: Because Overlord Tomala’s blog updates more than any other Uru-related blog, it is the most frequently repeating entry in daily Google Alerts for the search term “Uru.”

This means that (in the “blogosphere”), nobody is doing more to promote Uru than Overlord Tomala.

Well… Someone had to do the job so it might as well be me. You know, people kept telling me that I was the death of Uru. Unfortunately Cyan kept doing that job for me. And quite a few of the chosen ones have done a good job keeping the Uru community as pure as possible. But now I’m here to guarantee that wherever you see the word Uru. I will be there!

>Open Thread

It has been brought to my attention that justirc itself is not owned by the GOW and I apologize for saying that the GOW’s server is unsafe. Still, the irc server is still unsafe. I ran a search for my name through Altavista and Google, nothing from chat came up with it. If anyone else can find anything then let me know.

This person either runs the server and has access to all the irc logs (since most irc servers are not encrypted), or someone hacked into it. I don’t see how else they could have gotten pictures of me that were only posted in private irc conversations (as well as watching what I was saying in a conversation) and nowhere else, unless there’s something else I’m missing. And I highly doubt one of my own friends here would do something that I would never forgive them for.

And here’s another clue. This Flesh person types like someone from CyanChat. Rather than make smilies like this 🙂 they make them like this :> Which leads me to believe that it’s someone from that group.

>Thoughts on the whole thing

Due to recent events I have come to the conclusion that talking on the GOW’s irc server is unsafe. Either the server has been poorly configured thus making it easy for anyone to pull logs from it. Or someone running it is sharing information with their friends. And in doing so they are trying (poorly) to scare me away from the community by having some “stalker” pester me. It seems to fit well enough together with the latest locking of a certain thread over at the MOUL forum. And it is certain someone went through the chatlogs and pulled up discussions and pictures that were exchanged only amongst my friends. So if you think you can talk privately on their server. I wouldn’t go trusting them…

TheFlyOnTheWall or “Flesh” could be traced all the way back to Bend Oregon. Whoever played the role of the “stalker” must be as young as they are foolish. I can almost taste the elitism in the air.

I must have been hitting too close to home in the last entry, seeing as they are now choosing to back off after claiming nothing would stop them. Has the hunter become, the hunted?

I’m sure you can imagine there are worse alternatives.


I have in my possession (thanks to a friend) some emails from “TheFlyOnTheWall”. Who has declared them self a stalker. And I thought I would share these emails with my readers, just to show you what kind of people this community seems to attract. And none of this is a joke by any means. This guy clearly is still at home in his mothers basement eating cheetos, getting powder on his keyboard and his batman suit that has about 6 folds hanging out of it.

FROM: Sir I-have-nothing-better-to-do-than-to-stalk-boyfriend-free-girls-I-can’t-have

Well you’ve slipped and now I’m certain you’re Tomala.
Actually I was quite confident you were Tomala from the beginning.

It’s nice to talk to my love, though I really do wish you’d stop trying to hide. I have things I could teach you.
You’re wrong about a good poison going straight to the heart, of course it depends on what you’re trying to do. Personally I’m fond of a poison extracted from strychnos toxifera. A good injection and the person is slowly paralyzed. The paralysis spreads from where it is injected and it will slowly paralyze the lungs and slow the heart. The person slowly suffocates to death. Beautiful and peaceful, and barely a struggle from the person once they receive the injection.
I also like conium meculatum if I really hate the person. Instead of a peaceful death of paralysis they experience a dreadful death as their muscles deteriorate and die. They go blind and their mind is sharpened. It’s a very long and painful death that occurs once the muscles around their lungs or heart stop working.

I imagine your juices could be bitter… and cold too… driving myself deep inside you would be like plunging into ice water.

I definitely do have a heart, though I don’t feel as most people would feel… diagnosed with dissocial personality disorder when I was 12. Though time and experiences have taught me how to feel and desire and crave and lust and have passion.

I’ve got some personal details on ya

You were sick today and came home early.
You live in Brookings oregon, but you’re from Spokane Washington.
You’ve been to Honolulu (and so have I)
You’re 22.
You drank a ‘ya mon-tini’ the other day. I decided to make one for myself.

You’re my latest toy. I’ve been watching you for some time but your violent manners and enigmatic ways have turned on a switch inside of me. I won’t be stopping until I can touch you in person.

I’m curious as to who you apparently think I am. If you get close perhaps I’ll give you a nudge. If you catch me, I’ll give you a hug.

This person thought I was the one contacting him (obviously). And all he’s doing is naming off what was said on my blog and in chat yesterday. Yeah… That’ll get me going. Next email:

FROM: Count My-dick-is-a-stub

Actually is very much one for hiding. She doesn’t give out her e-mail, her real name, pictures of herself… she is a coward and afraid of to give out those details. If you’re right and you are not her, then she is even more of a coward in her choice not to speak with me.

If you’re right and every slacker knows that… I must be a fellow slacker then eh?

Metals as poisons are far too common and the symptoms too easily recognized. I prefer to stick with obscure plant extracts that are difficult to diagnose and aren’t so sloppy.

Needless to say, my garden is not very fun to frolic naked in.

Next email:

FROM: The Prince of Crabs

Tell Tomala…

I can see her face.

Again… BFD. There are tons of pictures in the public where my face is showing…

FROM: The King of “LOL-I-state-the-obvious”

Ah, that may be the case, but many poisons that can be extracted from plants could easily be done by a DIY chemist, such as myself. I won’t be on any lists.

I too have seen her face… finally looked upon that gorgeous face today.

As you’re not Tomala, I have no more use in talking to you, though I thank you. You’ve been quite revealing and have helped me in ways you can’t imagine.

Quoting “I state the obvious” means that he is somehow seeing what I’ve been typing in a private one on one chat. Meaning that the fuckwit either owns the irc server or has hacked it. I highly recommend finding another chat server for the time being. He’s really going to great pains to try and get some sort of rise out of me.


>Asshat Baseball 2009


19:40 : [Paradox] Ah… we’re so elitist we get threads locked on MOUL
19:47 : where’s tw? >:/
19:47 : !users
19:47 : Users: Phroz_Delightful | theclam | TW | MCd | Ki’Sak | wandering_nomad | Marein | Novah | Tesseract | Zadok | Nadnerb | Paradox
19:47 : [TW] HERE
19:47 : [Nadnerb] actually no, it’s acompletely different room
19:47 : neat
19:47 *** Nadnerb joined #cyanchat
19:48 — Jay is away (Auto away)
19:49 *** SeventyFifthTbn quit (Ping timeout)
19:52 : [theclam] how is there suddenly a slackerschat?
19:52 : [Tesseract] hahaha
19:54 : [theclam] and a slackerschatqdb?
19:54 : [Tesseract] you know, there are serious issues with delivering a knockout gas via room-flooding
19:54 *** Nadnerb left #cyanchat (Nadnerb)
19:54 : [Tesseract] doses must be individualised!
19:54 : [wandering_nomad] Murr. : D
19:54 : *** Marein
19:54 : [theclam] tess: issues in what way?
19:55 : [Paradox] Oh… then the “quote” that Tomala posted just before the thread was locked wasn’t even a real CC quote >:
19:55 : [Tesseract] in that the most likely outcomes are “not unconcious” or “dead”
19:55 : [wandering_nomad] What one?
19:55 : [Tesseract] with “unconscious but alive” in a narrow band in the middle
19:55 : doc, it kinda was, I was there when it happened >_>
19:56 : [wandering_nomad] link?
19:56 : [Paradox] in Slcackerschat?
19:56 : [Paradox]
19:56 : [Paradox] or CC?
19:56 : CC
19:57 : [wandering_nomad] wtf does veralun want people to talk about?
19:57 : Doc:
19:57 : [04:39:44] …
19:57 : [04:57:52] why are we chatting on slackerschat
19:57 : [04:57:56] because
19:57 : [04:58:03] cyanchat is better
19:57 : [04:58:06] more elitist*
19:57 : [04:58:09] sorry typo
19:58 : [TW] I’m glad they closed that thread
19:58 *** TigerTails quit (Ping timeout)
19:58 : [TW] it was turning into people just insulting others instead of talking about CC. I think everyone agreed there that “CC” itself can’t be elitist. obviously some of the people in that thread have problems with eachother.
19:58 : [Paradox] vid > Ah
19:59 *** TigerTails joined #cyanchat
19:59 : [Tesseract] TW, that last sentence is pretty much the entire story
19:59 : It just frustrates me to see people fighting about stupid stuff that usually amounts to misinformation or opinion :/
19:59 *** SeventyFifthTbn joined #cyanchat
19:59 : [TW] yep.
19:59 : [Tesseract] welcome to the forums!
19:59 : [TW] and really, what we need to do is ignore the “slacker” people.
19:59 : [Paradox] vid > So… when did that leave CC and get posted on the forums? o.O
19:59 : Doc, no idea
19:59 : [Paradox] TW > Oh no! You’re victimizing them again!
20:00 : [TW] 😀
20:00 : [TW] they’re obviously looking to start a fight about silly stuff, really.
20:00 : [theclam] dox: does it really matter?
20:00 : [Tesseract] you called their core values silly! elitist!
20:01 : it’s just best to ignore it all

Tons of hits and misses there. Meanwhile I have no problems hitting all their balls.

So Paradox is saying that my quote isn’t a real CyanChat one. Then what is it? Did I pull that quote out of my ass? I don’t have the time of day. Maybe Paradox should ask ol Denny where that exact quote came from. I’ll even throw in a hint. The same place where I pulled this one from.

I also find it interesting that they would think Slackers would want to start some sort of fight. Especially when all I did was take someones words and put them on display for everyone to read.

When will you people ever learn…