>I wonder if it pickles after extended use.


Oh the things you find at a family board. I never would have thought UO would have let this link stay on the board. IMO they couldn’t have made a better product for the veggie tales franchise.

That is a strongly offensive joke. I demand that anything in the shape of that toy be banned from the US.

All pickles, cucumbers, bananas, Russian Banana fingers, certain potatoes, certain yams, certain squash, Chinese eggplants, broom sticks, mops, daikon radishes, turnips, parsnips, Anaheim peppers, any pepper in the shape of large cucumbers, pickles etc, big tobacco, little tobacco and ohhhh yeah some priests just to be on the safe side!

>Adventures in Honolulu

Today was another fun filled day. We walked the streets and went to bazaars and stores plus played at the beach again. We got to see people offer to put parrots on your arm so you can have your spouse take a picture, then CHARGE you money for taking a picture of the parrot with your own camera… No, I didn’t fall for it. I found better things to spend my money on. There are going to be some happy people getting some mementos when I return from my trip. Smile

I’m posting this because you never see signs like this back at home.

I also learned that the MOUL forum is stationed here in town. I found their HQ:

And before PB and I went back to our hotel room, we caught part of a luau.

>MORE waiting among other things

I couldn’t help but notice that over at the MOUL forum, that semplerfi just HAD to bring back that locked thread by the evil Dickens in another thread. How dare he use the limited speech at the MOUL forum to get away with that! And as of now the thread is still not locked! I propse we gather a big mob of people to shut this one down! Wait, someone tried to lock it already?

ddferyne wrote:

I tried to lock the thread but I seem to have spasms in my hand which ALWAYS make me click the wrong button, damn.

ZOMG! This Cyantist can’t do to a thread what Whitch2 can do to 5 threads in 3 minutes. But that’s a Cyantist, so I guess it’s ok.

CrisGer wrote:

The point all along was to follow Cyan’s lead and decisions, and support them and the game, and the commuity. Whatever they decide about this and anything else, I will as always totally support.

For him to give up actually thinking for himself and letting other people do it for him is nothing short of dedication. But alas some people have to ruin it by showing us they can think on a plane of reality…


I see you guys blow the same way the wind does. That is useful to know.

Thinking for yourself is a great thing BTW.

NO!!!! It takes time to think for yourself! Allowing other people to do it for you is much easier and you’ll have more time on your hands for things like cheetos, verbal masturbation, sockpuppeting, and all other things asshats do . See, no one likes a know it all because they know things. And people like us don’t like that unless it’s in the form of a Cyan employee. They’re allowed to think within reason.

Which is why us folks at the MOUL forum will not listen to Dicken’s, he’s not a Cyantist therefore anything he does in this community is not worthy of our attention, that is unless Cyan says it’s ok, then he’ll be the greatest guy who ever lived! After all whatever Cyan chooses is ok with me.

As an aside, anyone read about MORE being put on hold? Why didn’t those stupid UU people listen to us? They just HAD to keep talking about UU being used for reasons like “keeping interest” and “Ways to see each other”, well thank you, because of you not only is MORE on hold, the stock market is on the verge of going tits up. Yes, UU is bad, but did you people listen? Nooooo, now because of UU being mentioned people besides Cyan are losing money.


>Hawai’i day one.

Good news everyone! PB and I made it to Honolulu in one piece! The only bitch was having both flights delayed. The one to SanFran by about an hour, and the one from SanFran to Honolulu at around 2 hours… But we managed to survive both flights and I didn’t have to put beaver tranquilizer into PB during the 2nd flight. Though it was touch and go for awhile.

After we checked into our fabu hotel, we went straight for the ocean! Water is very nice here. Only problem is wireless is crappy… I had to pay to get an internet connection to get in touch with family back home because even the cell phone isn’t getting good reception… Sigh.

Here are the latest pictures I have:

ZOMG!!! They serve GREEN TEA here!!!!! Oh and dinner was good. For desert one of the things you could get at the buffet was chocolate orange cheese cake. Tasted like a jaffa cake mmmmm. Wink

You know what else is funny? Over here there are no Spanish subtitles for anything. If it isn’t printed in English, it’s printed in Japanese. Strangely enough there are lots of skinny people over here too!

Tomorrow PB and I have plans to go shopping, swimming and other fun stuff. I’ll post the pic of PB I have in teh meter room.

>Comment commentary


CrisGer wrote:

what Dickens is talking about is hacking

Horse hockey, Cris, and it would be nice if you stopped demanding locked threads when you disagree with something. The mods can make those extreme decisions on their own without your help. It only attracts posts like this one, takes us off topic, and actually increases the likelyhood of an escalation. The point of this thread is not to discuss hacking. It’s to propose asking permission. For that, Dickens has shown improvement and willingness to join “the system.” Cyan will obviously and certainly reject such a request. And I do not agree with the proposal. But I disagree with your demand to lock the thread under false reasoning even more.

Excuse me, but he has the right to call hacking whatever he wants. He may not be a hacker, he may not be an age writer or ever used hacking tools in his life (or has the intelligence to). But he DOES have the right to call hacking whatever he wants. We will rewrite Uru history the way we want to, ok?

Patience is a virtue Very Happy

Look Cyan is promising us a game, now all we have to do is wait. That’s part of their plan, and instead of doing anything to compromise that ultimate goal, I suggest we be patient until MORE comes.

This is the attitude we need to survive! It’s not about keeping interest. it’s waiting for the actual thing to come to life. So we lose a few people in the process who get tired of waiting… I call that thinning the herd!!! MORE asshats for the cavern!

I agree! As a loyal, Rand-Fearing Cyantologyst, I demand that you stop posting this heresy! UU never existed! It has been erased from history by the great GreyDragon! Any attempt to resurrect that abomination to Rand (that does not exist) must DIE!

Cyantology: Are you washed in the Lakewater?

Hear hear! Praise Cyantology!!!

He did not have to mention hacking… all he had to say is “we have the Ability to run a uu server, all we need is permission to to it”

Besides, this is a very fickle community that selectively attacks threads they don’t like (you all should be ashamed)… Just 2 threads down we have a topic on hacking ABM to see the un-relrased content, and not one peep out of the anti-hack members. So uh… can you all just shut up until you make up your damn minds about what “hacking” really is?

Simple. It’s whatever you want it to be. And single player doesn’t count because it’s not online. Duh… Though give it time and eventually we’ll have people moderating that too.

Some of these quotes are from page two of the latest thread that was removed. That was the only page I saved. Certain blogs and forums who believe in that damned free speech thing they are still talking about it.

You know, I’d almost protest MORE because age creation IS hacking. But with Cyan involved that makes it ok in my book.

>I demand a protest.


Jamey wrote:

I voted no, you need to get Cyan’s permission before you do this. If they say yes, fine, otherwise it’s ILLEGAL.

But I still don’t want the fan-created servers to come up, because I’m concerned that if we all go to these fan servers, when MORE comes, I’m afraid some may decide to stay on the fan servers, and that won’t let Cyan get the money they need to run the servers that are going to have the fan created content, and that is what would really split the community,

And if Cyan can’t get enough money to run MORE, it won’t last.

Dickens wrote:

Some of you know that I discovered how to get the old Until Uru servers working without Cyan’s central authentication/data servers… It’s such a waste that this information goes unused, so what if we, the community, made a proposal to Cyan that would allow us to run UU Shards until MORE is a reality.

You know, when I read it, as in word for word actually reading it. It sounds to me like they are not going to co exist, but rather it will give people something to do while waiting for the real thing.

I propose that if this does actually happen, that we hold protests ON these servers. First I think we should tell people to stay away from them, then after we agree. we go to those shards (if they still exist) login and protest. The more of us the better.

CrisGer wrote:

Mods please lock this thread, what Dickens is talking about is hacking and we have been asked to stop talking baout it.
Be patient. and wait for the right way.

Shorter CrisGer: I’m scared I’m scared! Help mods people are thinking of ways to stay interested!

Just kidding. We all know the 12 commandments of Cyantology. And I stand by: The asshat’s shall inherit the cavern.

>DAMN YOU GOOGLE 2001!!!!!!!

For google’s 10th anniversary, they have reopened their old style search engine complete with the database of that year. It will only be available for one month.

I decided to type in my name into the search engine. To my dismay, I don’t exist!!! This is an outrage! I demand they rewrite google history to include my popularity! I exist in 2008, so why not 2001? I was alive then, it’s not like they’re inserting me into the history of WW2. Which is a shame, because no one will ever know how I saved Canada from the 300 man operated godzilla monster in that era.

Canada you owe me… And don’t think I’ve forgotten you too google.


>Late Night Open Thread


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