It must be the sun. It’s luring me out of the cave and into spring sunshine. Almost as though the scent of spring flowers distracts me from trying to take over the Uru Community.
Damn DFH side effects.
>Peace was found. For today…
The Sun was shining today and it was a beautiful day! Not a single thing to ruin it. I was even in a mood to take flower pictures.¤t=100_0520.jpg¤t=100_0521.jpg¤t=100_0522.jpg¤t=100_0523.jpg
And there was even some gentle wind for my awesome hair. Which had these nice clips in it.
Purple butterflies and a peace sign around my neck, plus big flower earrings. Didn’t wear tie dye or had any knives on me. Heck I didn’t even tote around a gun. At least not today 🙂 What can I say? The Overlord in me tries to kill off the hippie inside. But it still clings on and never goes away… Damn my parents and their 1980’s music loving!!!!! shakes fist
And on another random note. Bongmaster will be co author of the week starting Sunday!!!!
Thank you and goodnight/day.
>The ASSembly of new rules.
If you go over to MystBlogs right now you’ll find their new nifty set of rules to follow:
The Rules
The Myst Blogs and Uru Blogs moderators reserve the right to temporarily or indefinitely remove blog posts or whole blogs from the sites while reviewing content issues of the following nature:
- sexually explicit, suggestive, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive content,
- profanity,
- trolling, spamming, harassing people, ad-hominem attacks and other negative behavior.
Ok… If DreamingGirl’s anime pics were offensive. Then I say this is bestiality. This once again supports my theory that ol Denny hates the Japanese but has a fetish for farm animals.
The trolling and harassment rule is interesting as well. By these rules Alahmaht should have gotten his ass kicked out of MystBlogs for his hate rant against Slackers. In light of this, I will offer some help to Denis and end his list properly.
The Rules
The Myst Blogs and Uru Blogs moderators reserve the right to temporarily or indefinitely remove blog posts or whole blogs from the sites while reviewing content issues of the following nature:
- sexually explicit, suggestive, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive content,
- profanity,
- trolling, spamming, harassing people, ad-hominem attacks and other negative behavior.
- DISCLAIMER: members of the Asshat Secret Society need not follow the rules. In the eyes of the holy Rand you are the chosen ones who shall protect canon ass as well as your own.
Go ahead. Keep pushing anyone you see as”impure” out of the community. Like I’ve said all along, only those who love Canon are the true lovers of Cyan. Anyone who likes the idea of fan ages and random nonsense or even has the faintest idea of having both canon and non canon shards co existing needs to be fired out of a cannon.
/end fuckwittery
>Kudos to Bongmaster for finding this.
I am a strange baby who likes to gulp Bill Cosby. O_o
>Late Night Open Thread.
Today when I went out I went out dressed as an overlord should. Dressed to kill.
A Red sweater with a tanktop on top plus a leather jacket. A nice flower from my trip to Hawaii and some earrings hidden behind my Vortiears.
Large red earrings I picked up for $3
Behold. The ring of Cyantology! Bestowed unto my pinky by my Aunt Tor’i. For it was once hers and was given to me at an early age. With this ring it is no doubt that I am destined to rule. I used it’s powers to make San start a personal pizza party tonight. There is no end to my awesomeness.
I have a bit of a ponytail in the back with some hairsticks.
Long boots. When you kick someone with them they won’t fall off your feet no matter how far up your enemy’s ass they go.
I didn’t really do much today. I just made sure that when I went for a walk that the public may think twice about touching me. I DON’T LIKE TO BE TOUCHED.
Went out for a soda, a stroll through the fog and a piece of mind. Followed by some pieces of pizza.
Tune in next time ladies and gentlemen, when I show you the what the bedazzler’s one good purpose is. Throwing at random assholes.
>Open Thread.
Today I braved the outdoors for 5 hours straight during stormy conditions. Tons of rain and 50 mph winds. Overall a good day, for the storm was as wicked as me.
All warm and cozy now in my PJ’s. The most evil set of PJ’s in my entire PJ collection.
Hello Kitty is truly evil. Yet so cozy…
My fashion item of the day that I would like to share is the latest winter hat San_San made for me:
San_San is making these for Relay For Life. An event supporting the cure for cancer, it takes place once a year. Teams get together and stay up all night walking around a school track participating in all sorts of fun games, events and a candle vigil honoring the dearly departed who lost their lives to cancer. I’ve been participating for a couple years now.
San is making these in all sorts of colors. You may notice on the rim of the hat that there are some ribbon shapes. Each hat color represents the colored ribbon that represents a form of cancer (mouthfull to type eh?). Black is melanoma (skin cancer). Which I used to have, the mole was removed when I was 12.
On a random note, I have some pictures of my new beta testers for my brand new cat launcher.
This is Tommy. We suspect that he’s about 10 years old. He only has 2 teeth left (he only had 5 when we got him). He’s a huge kitty. Our mini lion protects our web server and my source server.
Little Bobbi is our mini bobcat kitty. You can’t see from this angle, but most of her tail is missing. With her lack of tail plus her markings she looks like a mini bobcat. We suspect that she’s a feral cat. But we have been making slow progress getting her acclimated into our home.
Our Puma kitty, Sammy. He’s the fastest to adjust to our home. He really loves people (and food). He’s by far very unusual. He loves the sound of crinkly plastic, he’ll roll all over plastic bags, he takes baths in the toilet if someone forgets to put the seat down, he sleeps on his back from time to time, and last but not least he’s a cat that doesn’t know how to land on his feet. There have been several occasions where he has fallen off beds and the sofa and he lands on his head or back every time. Very funny cat. These are all rescue cats that we adopted from a friend. Can’t wait to test them in my cat launcher…
>Sunday Clothing Blog
Sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t wear any of my tricked out clothes today. Still, I am not one to squander my clothing investments. So here we go:
A plain white shirt. All alone it can be very bland. But add a splash of color and it can become a very nice part of your collection.
Wearing this on top of the white shirt added lovely results. The overlord is pleased.
This is my newest purse. A nice leather one to add to my badassedness. As nice as leather is though, I’m no leather queen…
A flower for the side of my head. I was going for a sweet look today.
These are two of the 3 prized rings I love to wear. The one on my pinky was a valentines day present from the birthers of the overlord when I was 7, before my inner evil crawled out… Now it fits around my crooked pinky. The other ring was a birthday gift from my late grandmother who left this world not all that long ago. I wear it and I think of her…
Little heart choker.
Chinese bracelet I purchased during my Vacation in Spokane last year.
Black pants. Slimming on the ass!
No overlord is complete without an extra comfortable pair of sneakers. Now last but not least…
I have a thing for Oriental purchases. I kinda started a little trend. I know of two friends of mine in the meter room that would like Chinese dresses. 😀 I like their designs for bowls, cups, clothing and the oriental culture is very interesting to me. Every now and then I wear this nightgown:
It serves a double purpose, it’s cozy to wear at night AND it can be a costume! I mean… How cute is that???
This concludes todays webisode of the clothing blog. Tune in tomorrow if I give a damn.
>I really like tea..
Something about the taste of white peach tea really tastes good to me.
Yep… Still a tea pot addict.
>Saturday Night Open Thread
Your Overlord had a shitty day. But at the end of it all there was San_San’s chicken and dumpling soup with homemade peanut butter cookies for dessert. Once again as a member of the United Pastry Jihad I praise her and her cookies. Did I neglect to mention that she makes killer macadameia white chocolate cookies? No? Sorry I thought it needed repeating because that’s how good they are! Peanut butter ones are real mouthwatering too, real mouthwatery.
Oh… And starting Sunday I am declaring Fashion Week here on the blog. I’m not going to make it about what’s hot and what’s not. I’ve never really been for the “follow the trend” thing. Why? When you’re the Overlord you MAKE your own look. If people stare at you because you look awesome or think you’re weird then mission accomplished. I’ll show you what I use to make me, me. On a blog that is about the community, but mostly me.
>Bring back teh co author puzzishiun.
I’m bringing back the co author position now that I’m finding time to blog again. And I would like my next co author to be from the UK.