The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Valentines Day

Valentines Day is one of my favorite holidays. I had to work today, but that didn’t prevent me with being with the person I love the most!

I had it all planned out. A box of chocolates for us to share and a fabu dinner prepared for my loved one and I.

I haven’t left the mirror until now…

But I do know that I am the best thing that has ever happened to me!

>Communities and attitudes

I know there have been a lot of discussions about “community” in the various URU/Myst/Cyan related forums, blogs, what have you. I’m going to bring it up again, but from, I hope, a different viewpoint.

See, I have a problem with my attitude about others in the community. Let me clarify right up front, I’m not just talking URU/Myst/Cyan etc. I’m talking about 99.9% of the on line communities out there, doesn’t matter if it’s MMO related or not. What’s my attitude problem? My problem is just this, that I expect everyone else to act towards me and anyone else in the community just as they would if we were face to face.

Yep, that means manners people. Little things like respect. Simple words like please and thank you go a long way in benefiting us in our every day lives. Why not in the virtual community too? The things I read, in game or in forums, just appall me.

You should be ashamed of yourself. If you wouldn’t act like that in front of your family any other time, what makes you think it’s appropriate behavior now? Just because it’s virtual and you’re anonymous? Think again. It’s really not that difficult to find out who a virtual persona really is. Honest. What’s to say that one day you decide to go to a “con” of some kind. Can be Mysterium, a comiccon, whatever. You proudly put your on line alias on your name tag. 5 minutes later you wake up with a broken jaw and some dude standing over you. What do you think just happened? Guess you weren’t so anonymous after all. (BTW that really did occur to someone I know.)

In the interest of keeping this short and not a lecture, I’ll just ask one thing from everyone in any virtual community: If you wouldn’t say it if you were standing in front of a group of your peers or parents, don’t post it on the internet. Respect for yourself and your fellows within the larger community pays off in the long run.

Please and thank you.

>Open Thread

Due to ultra busyness in overlording. There will be no greeter or retired greeter as my co author this week.

However I would like to give you all a warning. Do not under any circumstances go to It’s full of teh ebil free speech and other stuff that slackers like.

And if you do go to you may see symptoms such as: vomiting, explosive diheria running from your mouth, truthiness, loss of fingernails, tooth enamel, teeth, disposable pantyliners, a hatred of lima beans, sweating, gaining a sense of humor, bitter outrage, and last but not least we cannot forget ebola.

Do not visit

You have been warned. Oh, and before I go,,,


>The DorK Diaries 2009

Ladies and gentlemen. DorK has come back! Rather than put his posts under the threads he posted on within this blog. I’m taking all his blog entries that await my approval and post them here so that no one shall miss out on a single drop of intelligence that he has to share with us. That’s right! He dug out his speak and spell and decided to pay me another visit!


Have a good read everyone. These posts have been taken from Postcard from DorK and Profiles in Asshattary

Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on you again! I am shameless!


>Uru is being ruined and it isn’t even here yet!

The battle lines have been drawn.

Papa Smurf wrote:
It seems that Overlord Tomala has decided to protest the actions of some in our community that I talk about in a Steam Room post I recently made. I tend to side with the ‘others’ so I guess that Overlord Grand Poobah Comrade Empress Baseball Bat Wielding Bomb Everything In Sight Shoot First & Ask Questions Later Tomala and I are in disagreement.

First of all, I would like to applaud you for making a post about me. I’m only saddened that you didn’t make it into a large essay as you have done so in the past. I would like to think that I would be worth a trilogy.

Second, I lost my baseball bat when I lent it to DorK, he said something about trying to rescue a gerbil, an ferret, two hamsters and a snake. Otherwise the rest of it was spot on.

Third, you should know by now that I will stand up for what is right! And being that I am always right, I have no problems standing up for what I believe in. For years people stared at me and assumed I blindly followed what you say. Well now the tables have turned, I will now blindly follow my fellow purists. What you announce in the steam room is a bitter outrage, and I will fight tooth and nail to protect Uru from the likes of you.

What side will you people choose? The side of Cyantology? Or the side of the impure…

Join the darkside. We have ramen.

>The Pretender

I have been absent from my ruling duties as of late due to that imbecile named Barack Obama who thinks he can rule part of our glorious land. We are now ready to overthrow him.

PROUD SOCIALISTS of the United American Socialist Republics, unite and join us as we overthrow the pretender and establish a society of perfection and equality!