The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Red, color of the rulers.

Today is the first day of my 3 day weekend! And I celebrated by returning the communist red streaks to my hair (as seen on the side picture). It keeps me pure and does a good job keeping old men away from me. Anyone who touches the overlord without their permission shall spend the rest of their lives looking behind their back.

>Stupid questions

I heard a question so dumb, that I swear my poor brain was asking for oxygen.

A customer came up to me asking where we keep the carts. And I told them we keep them at both entrances (which some people are too stupid to notice most of the time). Then she had to ask me where the entrances were. And then in my head, I heard screeching.

Then at that point my brain went, we are inside the store… You enter the store, through an ENTRANCE!!!! We were even close enough to one of the entrances. “See those windows?” “Yes…” “Go that way…”

That’s almost as bad as “IF it weren’t for my horse I wouldn’t have spent that year in college”.

Too bad I like getting paid, or it would have been fun to run her around the entire building…

God, after thinking about that I need to read. My brain is starving.

>Public Service Annoucement


All of you who live in the Great Nation of the United American Socialist Republics should be in bed, sleeping in exactly twenty-five minutes. Remember: It is your patriotic duty to be well rested for the work day tomorrow! Your labor ensures our dominance.

To communism’s triumph lead us on!

>And so my reign of terror begins!


I am too tired to do much smiting right now. But you should fear me for next time, you may just end up in Cyantology Hell–AKA the Slacker’s Shard.

All those multi colored avatars. THEY MAKE ME SICK.

Until next time,
Bozhe Tsarya Khrani!

PS: Remember that the Tsar is always watching.

>And what does the coin of truthiness say?

Rather than use the dartboard of destiny. I used the coin of truthiness! Tsar Hoikas who was in chat tonight got to choose between heads and tales. And rather than choosing for himself, he had a python program tell him what to choose. Which was heads. Then I flipped the coin and it came up…


Congratulations!!! The Tsar gets to team up with the Overlord for epic blogospheric naval gazing commentary! Sorry KBQ… Sad You will get your turn though as everyone else here will. Smile

As for who will take Adam’s place at the end of the week, I will leave that up to the Tsar to decide upon. He will hand pick his replacement and I shall make it so.

Rand save the Tsar!!!

>Coming clean on my pot addiction

It’s true… My friends, my family, and even many strangers know about my addiction to pot. I was introduced to a little green friend when I was 8 years old at Christmas time. And since then it has evolved into something wild with many colors from all over the world.

Meet the twin pots. One doesn’t have a lid due to me forgetting to hold the handle while pouring a cuppa one day, it broke and now the twins share one lid. I use them whenever I feel like having American or British tea.

My valentine teapot and cup for one. For when I don’t feel like having a giant pot of tea but still want some all to myself! I use it year round since I’ve been known to have a loving mood from time to time. I love me after all.

This is my winter teapot and cup for one. I only use it during the winter season, because it would be weird using it during the spring and summer.

Meet Mr Elephant. I use her whenever I want chai. And yes, it’s a her. I checked.

This one only gets used during the month of December, why? Because I have so many other teapots. And they all have to be on a strict teapot schedule.

And here we have a giant teapot from Japan and a baby teapot from China with it’s best friend the baby teacup! I haven’t had a chance to use the tiny one yet, but the big one gets plenty of use whenever I want green or white tea.

And finally, my latest teapot for my oriental collection. It’s a beauty.


I hope the new Uru comes to us soon upon the wings of Cyan. And I have also taken it upon myself to make a list of other things to be hopeful for.

I hope that there are pure canon shards.

I hope there is a war to determine who is more canony than the other.

I hope that there are non canon shards.

I hope to create a task force of fellow pure Uru individuals that go around joining the non canon shards to let them know they are playing Uru wrong. If this comes into being I think I’ll call ourselves the Kavern Keystone Kops or KKK for short.

I hope that there are no ages that include lima beans in them.

I hope lima bean supporters are banned, tarred, feathered, and anything else we intend to do to the people who play Uru incorrectly. I don’t care what people say over at the MOUL forum, there IS a wrong way.

I hope for a dunny in D’ni. It is long overdue, plus the cones are starting to smell rank.

And above all I hope everyone is ready for what is about to come. I know I am. 😉 Why? Because I am Uru and so can you!