The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Returning To The Bawderlands

After an eternity and a half of putting it off we’ve returned to the world(s) of Borderlands 3. Surprisingly it was more fun than our previous adventures! We moved the main quest along a bit, but mainly focused on side missions. We managed to get a few of them finished before returning to our ship and calling it quits. There were burger deliveries, a guy named Chadd who outer space’d himself, and of course, lots and lots of death and destruction.

But then again, what else is new? Other than picking up the game again after a looooong break.

Just When I Thought It Was Over…

And here I was thinking I would have actually beat Freedom Planet tonight… I made it to the final boss stage after making it through two other bosses, then I had to fight the final boss in two other incarnations, but they did a good job making his final form be the ultimate bastard. One swipe from him and you lose half your health…

Maybe I’ll grind it tomorrow…

Tonight’s Distraction: Horizon Forbidden West

Sat down and finished a couple of side quests in Horizon Forbidden West. I thought HZD was very modern Tomb Raider like in the sense of exploration and crafting. But in the sequel there are more hidden caves to find, and lots of swimming. I’ve already found a couple of areas that will require special equipment before I can continue, but at least I did a couple of mining quests.

Remember Aperture Tag?

I can’t even remember the last time I tried to play Aperture Tag, but I’m farther than I made it on my previous attempt. I made it to the 4th Chapter before taking a break. This is the Portal 2 mod that people got pissy about because you had to pay for it, which was a bit of a controversy when it first released. It wasn’t really that expensive ($6) when it first came out, but my beef with it at the time was that it kept crashing under Linux way back in the day.

My only other complaints now are the autosave feature; in regular Portal 2 you can save at any given time, and you can also do that with Aperture Tag BUT… it will only load your most recent save, and that has almost screwed me a couple of times. Sometimes it will automatically save while you’re in midair for example, possibly over pools of acid. There’s also no cloud saving capability, meaning if I want to play this between the Steam Deck and the TV PC that I’ll have to manually copy the saves… meh.

I’ll probably just make an effort to play it on just the Desktop… in due time, of course.

Under The Digital Moon

We strolled through a bit of Resonite this evening. It’s been a good while since we’ve gone on a search for new toys and maps. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to produce any of it into a video, but it was a nice little bit of escapism. Speaking of Resonite, I did go through some footage for it yesterday, and I almost have enough distilled to make something interesting!

Palworld Footage Is In The Can!

Another evening, another video exported and ready to add to my queue! I distilled two different Palworld sessions into a little over two minutes of our most fun moments from when we still played without mods. It’ll be a refreshing change from all the Resonite vids, which I still have plenty of footage to go through also. 😛 I’m thinking of going through some more recordings tomorrow, then maybe one of the many games I haven’t played in awhile that may or may not make me rage.