The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ending As Quickly As It Begun

Ended the weekend by doing some Palling around! It was storming here pretty badly, was expecting to lose power or internet but didn’t. I must have been blessed by the internet gods. Either that or a free pass for losing internet earlier in the week. Now I’ve come to that part of the night where I have to un-isakei myself from my games and distractions to return to that real world thing that I’ve formed a love/hate relationship with.

A Phoenix Rises From The Shadows

It’s been another one of those cozy Sundays where you take the time to enjoy hot beverages, and kick back with a controller and blanket. I settled on playing 9 Years of Shadows. A couple sessions ago I acquired the Fire Armor, and tonight I found a couple upgrades that will help me traverse the castle even easier, and in fine Metroidvania tradition!

It was a tough choice between this and Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance. I’m close to finishing HoD, and if I finished it I could add it to the list of finished games post I’m putting together for the end of the year. Of course, if I wait until next year it would be among the first on the new years list!

Unplanned Downtime At Home

The internet was down at home today for over 9 hours. Fortunately I was at work for over 6 of those hours, and I had plenty to do to keep my internet deprived (or is it depraved?) brain from going nuts. There were presents to wrap, eggnog chai to drink and offline animation to do while listening to my jamz. Now we’re back up and running! Just in time for me to wind down for the evening to do a little reading, maybe fondle my Steam Deck a little. 🙂

This counts as an Open Thread… I guess.

Another Feel Good Weekend Done n’ Over

I spent a good chunk of the evening getting some animation done. Since I spent the other two days off relaxing I figured I’d have enough energy to do a little animating. We had a nice day overall, it was sunny albeit cold. I had a healthy Japanese inspired breakfast and made some matcha rice pudding as a warm dessert for the cold evening that was to come.

Now I’ve come to that irritating part of the evening where I’m reminded that I have to return to shitty people tomorrow. Oh well, it was fun while it all lasted.

This Isn’t Cursed At All…

We did a tiny bit of Resonite exploration tonight. The winter holiday maps don’t seem to be as fun as the Halloween ones, but they have been interesting to us in their own way. Most of them seem to have been made in the era of NeosVR, we found old viewers and tools that have changed significantly since Resonite’s arrival.

There Is No Place Like DOOM For The Holidays

For the first time in what feels like an eternity I did the impossible and played DOOM… ON TWITCH! I streamed for an hour and a half, talked to a couple of friends that I haven’t spoken with in a long time. It was nice and chill. 8) I’m not sure if I’ll continue to stream, or if this will be a one off until I decide to stream again in a few years… but one way or another there is a chance. I had a lot of fun. 😀