Protecting TP From Bungholes

Protecting TP From Bungholes

Sorry for not posting much lately; I pretty much collapsed the moment my weekend started (which sadly ends tonight). I became guardian of the toilet paper about a week ago… Why? Because people are insane now. Locally people have been stealing toilet paper from cars in parking lots and shopping carts. We even have customers hiding guns on them to make sure no one steals their toilet paper! I honestly don’t know which one is more pathetic. Stealing fucking toilet paper, or shooting someone for stealing your toilet paper in an area where nearby people could potentially be shot… I don’t see anything bad happening in any of these situations whatsoever.

Is it bad that I want these people to catch it? I’m really getting tired of watching these selfish attitudes pointing fingers at each other and displaying such pig-ignorant behavior about the world around them and how much they play a role in how fucked up things are at the moment.