I knew this day would come the moment Microsoft wanted to compete with Twitch and YouTube… I’m shocked I tell you! Shocked!
Microsoft announced today that the company will be shutting down its streaming site Mixer on July 22 and will partner with Facebook Gaming moving forward.
Anyone with a basic history of Microsoft products should have seen this coming from a mile away. I mean the moment I researched Mixer and found they were Microsoft owned I knew this wasn’t something that was going to stick around, much like their history with the Zune, Microsoft Phone, Microsoft Bob (yes that was an actual thing), etc. Now, Microsoft’s streaming platform isn’t entirely dead… but it might as well be, as they’re moving their services to Facebook Gaming as mentioned above… a name alone that makes me cringe buckets. Facebook Gaming makes me think of… Farmville. Then again that image alone is lame enough for Microsoft to be a part of them.