

I had a pretty uneventful day at work. Went through the usual motions, switched things up by playing a bit of DeadPool during lunch today. I came home and went into Windows with the idea of continuing work on my video project but somehow ended up entering sleep mode for a few hours, entering areas of my imagination that I can’t seem to completely escape. Then I woke up, showered off and went to check out a new restaurant in town. It’s actually where I used to get my hair done years ago, the building was remade into am unusual Meximerican restaurant. I say unusual because you don’t just sit down and order. You go through a line like you would for a salad place or Subway, and you tell them what you want for your base (nacho chips, fries, or a tortilla shell) and what you want over or in it. I opted for nachos with four different kinds of hot sauce! They had so many sauces too to choose from… if it were the weekend I probably would have used every single one, and would of had my stomach pay the ultimate price. As it is my stomach hurts in a good way, now back in the comfort of home wearing watermelon PJ’s and knocking out a couple B52 straight shots before bed, goes down like candy.

Until tomorrow…