Saturday Evening Open Thread

Saturday Evening Open Thread

I haven’t been feeling well these last couple days, and work has been wearing me out  (as is tradition) around work work, and home. Now that I’m on my weekend I might be able to do some catching up.I relaxed and played a little RE6 with some vape and wine, finally made it past the first chapter as Leon. I’ve gotten back into playing it after installing a copy on my laptop I’ve managed to get back into it on my desktop as well.

I’m currently at a stand still on my video project. I’m a little short on time for the final Skyrim video (for that particular saga anyway), and I wanted to do a short recap/intro for the fun of it. This of course involves animating it, and before that I need voice lines which I’ll hopefully obtain sometime next week. In the meantime I have plenty of other things to focus on. Maybe if I’m feeling up to it I’ll finally build the wiki I’ve been thinking nonstop about. I also need to install those extra hard drives into my laptop still, and upgrade my Linux distros. I haven’t decided if I want to stick with Mint and upgrade to a newer version (currently running 18.3) or if I want to experiment with another distro like Solus.

The sadistic side of me wants to install CentOS 8 just to see how far I would get with Proton… though that would probably be a lot more painless compared to Slackware.

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Melon Seed
July 26, 2020 7:06 am

Now all I can think of is wine vape… I feel like that could either be amazing or awful, especially if you’re huffing alcohol vapors  😂