Saturday Morning Open Thread

Saturday Morning Open Thread

Everything was cool last night. Work went well, there was Chinese takeout when I got home, I made raspberry custard for dessert, and I kicked ass in TF2. I also picked out all of the clothes for the week. I think I might have to cut back on my food consumption though, some things I haven’t worn in a long time have gotten tighter than they should be, it isn’t much but I can notice it. It shouldn’t be that hard to curb, after all I’ve done it before. I just need to plan my snacks and lunches better. Maybe even start bringing brewed tea to work again which I’ve been meaning to anyway.

I’ve already been trying to walk more on my days off when the weather is actually nice (rare these days). And since my new line of work isn’t nearly as strenuous as my previous jobs I may have to look into a personal exercise plan. I’ve been meaning to buy a new bike all year but the weather just hasn’t been good enough ride in as constantly as I used to.