>Saturday Open Thread.

>Saturday Open Thread.

I would like to thank the community for giving me a vacation. I haven’t had to report on anything stupid for an entire week! It must have taken great effort for some of you to do this, and for that you have no idea how glad that makes me.

Good timing too. The ol social calendar was busy for most of the week. Visited the Princess on Sunday, Went out for ice cream after work on Monday, met with family from Florida on Tuesday, cooked on Wednesday, and becoming one with myself throughout the week. No, not the same way most of the community becomes one with “themselves”. Rather, I got in touch with myself. I never find time to do that, but when I do I sure learn a lot about me. I reached deep and found Joy, Inspiration and Hope but couldn’t find Love or Peace. Then I found it after I moved the wallet over. Those are the names of some of the incense I like to burn before I go to bed.

Next week I promise to blog a little more. I have stuff to share. On another note I will be inviting Yutram to be my co author.

You have all been warned.