>Such tragic times we live in.

>Such tragic times we live in.


Does anyone here wish that (I know that Cyan can’t support it at the moment) Uru were going to be Cyan created instead of fan run? I know I do…

Oh God Rand yes! Mainly because I want an official leader to tell me what to do, what to think, and what order I should play the ages in (I hear if you play the ages backwards, you become a Satan worshiper Slackers member).

I feel common ground for those of us who are afraid to think for ourselves. Which is why I’m torn that Cyan would give the fan community it’s own control. Granted, it is nice to think we will see each other again. But that security blanket Cyan gave us back in prologue and MOUL will not exist anymore. It is just tragic.

I’d rather sit in my room staring at myself sitting on the bench in Eder Kemo alone, than be with individuals in an Open Source community. But being the overlord that I am, I’ll join this new community and try to take control for myself. Once I take part in a shard or 12, I’ll have everyones attention. And when I do, I’ll explain at that time why this freedom sucketh so much.