Summer days in winter

Summer days in winter

Yesterday was a nice 77 degree winter day. It was so nice that I decided to go for a cherry lime soda. I figured with the last 6 days of work I’d enjoy a bit of me time.

Enjoyed some linux beta testing too. My XLR cable arrived finally (and with the arrival of Tux for TF2 not a moment too soon) so plugged in and BS’d in mumble with Yutram while downloading all of the linux games in my library. I installed World Of Goo and that seemed to work ok, other than there was no sound for whatever reason. Faerie Solitare didn’t work, nor did Psychonauts, didn’t test Amnesia or Dungeons of Dredmor yet. CS:S worked, but Half Life and original Counter Strike were kinda trippy. There was some strange physical latency. I could turn my mouse just fine with no lag whatsoever, but it constantly lagged in the engine itself. I’m not sure how to explain it. Hell if I just stood there I would bob up and down on the floor or be raised up to the ceiling. With the constant bobbing it looked like I was humping everything, including Barney. He’d let me out of the train and he’d do the moon walk back to the system terminal, where my game would take over and start bobbing up and down while standing behind him. I wish I could have filmed it. Then he’d wave his magic fingers in mid air and open up the door to Black Mesa.

Weird Stuff.