Sunday Evening Open Thread

Sunday Evening Open Thread

On October 26th a mod that I wrote about “Half Life: Year Of The Dragon” was released, and I only remembered that today. I downloaded the game and was bummed to see that it was Windows only. For the hell of it I tried launching it as I already have Wine installed, and aside from there being no in game audio and there being some missing pieces on the HUD it was near flawless. I’ll be sure to play it under Windows at a later date for the full experience. :v:

I also fiddled with epsxe under Linux, as well as another emulator… and I’m kinda bummed by the lack of controller plugins to get my Steam Controller working with it. Granted I have a Dualshock 3 that I could setup but I like the additional buttons I get with the Steam Controller. I haven’t tried it yet, but I heard that there is a PS2 emulator that lets you use both PS1 and PS2 roms, so perhaps some of my old discs and ROMS can be put to the test. I’ll save that for another time… I can only nerd so much in one day.