Sunday Evening Open Thread

Sunday Evening Open Thread

Hello internet! I still exist… Work was tiring, but entertaining… I haven’t had a chance to finish the video yet, but I’m thinking it won’t be an issue tomorrow or midweek. I need to record a voice line, and between being burnt out work/household to-do items/running around, and a noisy neighborhood it’s a little difficult. I was also contemplating doing a livestream tonight (I wanted to show off my new hair dammit), but the local dogs always seem to want to provide commentary on a broadcast they’ll never see. I privately enjoyed it instead. In the small pockets of time where I had time to goof around I also did a little Dishonored and checked out Hades. There’s this one guy I share my lunch breaks with at work — a fellow employee, and he was giving me all kinds of battle tips; like how the gauntlets are the numero uno weapon in the game.

I also made a Japanese brunch today! Sorry… no pics. I was too hungry. On the bright side I now know how to make tempura!