Sunday Evening Open Thread: I’m still a nerd edition

Sunday Evening Open Thread: I’m still a nerd edition

I worked on and rendered another video using the Linux version of Shotcut today. I don’t know what it is, but to me the Linux version performs better for me than the Windows version, which itself isn’t bad by any means, but to me it seemed even snappier under Linux. I won’t uninstall it from Windows just in case I need it under there (you never know), but I have a feeling I’ll be using it under Linux more. Hooray for progress! :meeseeks:

Other than that there wasn’t much else to my day. It was a nice warm morning, followed by large gusts of wind that brought fog and cold weather by the late afternoon. I sat inside drinking tea, getting my computer work done and trying to feel better. I reinstalled DOOM 2016 on my desktop to test it with the newest version of Proton, and I can say that I now have mouse movement, but it feels a bit janky… I know I could do some tricks to get it to work, and I probably will in the future. But for now I think I’ll hold off and see if newer versions of Proton will remedy the issue. I’ve already beat the game once, and I’m already replaying it under Mint on my laptop with flying colors. I have plenty of other games that need testing. :v: