Cracked open MechWarrior 5 for the first time! Pimped my ride, found some mods (Steam and Nexus). It’s already consumed three hours, that’s a good …
Cracked open MechWarrior 5 for the first time! Pimped my ride, found some mods (Steam and Nexus). It’s already consumed three hours, that’s a good …
Went dancing through pretty shapes and lights in Outland! I gained the laser ability and destroyed a bunch of jellyfish. Apparently I got a “rare” …
Only had time to do some hunting during my one hour session. This game has serious Skyrim levels of wanting to suck time out of …
Found Whisker Squadron Survivor during my hunt for Next Fest demos, and I think I found a winner! It’s basically Star Fox but with cats …
Once again I’m wandering 80’s Japan in Yakuza 0. I always like going back around and finding details I’ve never seen, this one definitely caught …
It’s been quite awhile since I picked back up on Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. I actually got pretty far tonight! Even got into my first …
Today was a productive day… for my gaming collection! I got all of the achievements in AMID EVIL, and I even decided to play a …
I made some time to play Stray! Or as other people have been calling it: The Cat Game. Since I’m playing on PC I have …
I was in a more chill mood for gaming, as opposed to the last couple weeks of fun violence and dick jokes. Not only did …