Piercing The Soul
Got to learn archery tonight in Kena: Bridge of Spirits. It was a fun reward for beating a boss battle. The bow also allows you …
Got to learn archery tonight in Kena: Bridge of Spirits. It was a fun reward for beating a boss battle. The bow also allows you …
I have four different saves going in Freedom Planet 2 (one for each character) and decided to give Neera a bit of progress.She takes a …
Back during the Steam Lunar New Year Sale I picked up Kena: Bridge of Spirits. I saw gameplay for it over the holidays and it …
For tonight’s little bit of play I decided to play Trine on my desktop. As old as this game is – it’s graphics are beyond …
Once again Horizon Zero Dawn has consumed my precious time like a quickening. Did a bunch of side quests, made it to Level 5, and …
We had a 45 minute hailstorm this evening, and it gave me a good excuse to warm up the house with more Mech fighting! I …
Put a full shift’s worth into MechWarrior 5 this weekend, and now I have my own Watermelon Squad! I’m really enjoying it so far.
Cracked open MechWarrior 5 for the first time! Pimped my ride, found some mods (Steam and Nexus). It’s already consumed three hours, that’s a good …
Went dancing through pretty shapes and lights in Outland! I gained the laser ability and destroyed a bunch of jellyfish. Apparently I got a “rare” …
Only had time to do some hunting during my one hour session. This game has serious Skyrim levels of wanting to suck time out of …