Audible Hurdles

Spent a bit of the evening editing some recently recorded audio, and piecing it into SFM to prep for the next session. The hardest part is always listening to my own voice; contrary to what most people might think I don’t particularly care for how it sounds, but I try not to let audible disfigurement get in the way. 😛 It might even annoy the right person!

Getting My Groove Back

I’ve got all my ducks in a row for work tomorrow; clothes are ready, morning iced tea is brewed, the awesome tablet is ready to join my gaming laptop for tomorrow’s adventures! Now I’m just having some raspberry pink moscato, along with the last bit of raspberry tea in my pot … lotta raspberry beverage stuff going on and I didn’t plan for that. 😛

I did get some audio work done for the upcoming Bayonetta video; shaved the animation audio down to over two minutes, and there are plans in the works for another “special” ending. I have the audio imported into two SFM sessions… I know I probably say this on every single one of these projects, but I’ll be doing a few different things that I haven’t done before. 😛  I’m sure there will be a few happy accidents along the way, but that’s how learning goes with these things. I’m sure I’ll be here bitching about it if I run into any problems. :v