This guy wins the internet for trolling a bunch of homophobes for 16 hours straight.
Target recently took down labels such as “Boy Toys” and “Girl Toys” and made things more neutral. Someone predicted the social media backlash and decided …
Target recently took down labels such as “Boy Toys” and “Girl Toys” and made things more neutral. Someone predicted the social media backlash and decided …
I was minding my own business in one of the chats I frequent… and all of a sudden a playtoy appears. It’s a shame he …
So apparently Comcast has been changing peoples names for quite some time. More have come out on the subject. If you read through the whole …
I’m starting to think people are losing the meaning behind the word “emergency”. It isn’t an emergency if your favorite fast food joint runs out …
My attempt to sleep last night was met with failure due to some aches and pains. I only managed to sleep between moments when the …
Yesterday I witnessed quite an interesting performance. I was summoned to help someone put together a shoe table since well, the materials are rather heavy …
I’m really getting sick and tired of the Duck Dynasty thing. Lots of people in town (including co-workers) were extremely pissed off about Phil Robertson …
I never heard of Patton Oswalt until this recent twitter thing. But I have a feeling more people will after reading his product endorsements. Friday …
With all the copyright whoring they’re doing what will happen when they run out of music/footage to claim? Words? Phrases? Colors? Lets go with colors.
This is from a webseries called “OKCupid is the best!” where the hostess solikebasically shares the strangest things she finds in her OKCupid inbox. In …