Doctors Doctors Doctors

I’m still in medical limbo awaiting news on my appointment, and to make matters worse I have another problem cropping up.

Actually, it’s been around for awhile. Back in 2017 I had a failed wisdom tooth extraction; the doctor I saw was someone I’ve gone to since my childhood, he was highly skilled but didn’t have the necessary tools to get it out, which left me with a stuck broken tooth on the right side of my lower jaw. I tried to go to another dentist to try and get it pulled, but this was the year where we had a fire only 6 miles away from town causing Doctor’s offices and other establishments to close up. My job needed me, especially with my partner being on vacation and half the staff gone trying to evacuate. Eventually, when life returned to normal my mouth wasn’t in pain anymore and I ended up forgot about it. I always did my best to keep the area clean, so there were no problems, until now.

About three or four days ago I started feeling pain in my lower jaw where the wisdom tooth currently resides. I made the mistake of shining my portable light torch inside and, wow… I don’t even want to describe what it looks like, but it looks like if I don’t do something with it soon I’ll have more than just pain to worry about.

Come Monday I’ll be talking to a couple Doctors. One to see wtf is up with this MRI situation (if they don’t call me back first), and now a Dentist. Until then I have oragel, advil and some CBD to take the edge off and keep me going.

That Escalated Quickly

Went to the Doc today; they’re scheduling an MRI for me, and I’m off of work until next week with plenty of time to heat, massage, and stretch the affected area. I literally have a pain in the neck! A pain in the neck that’s being a pain in the neck to the rest of my right arm… I’ve had to wrap my wrist or wear an arm brace to stop random shocks from happening. It’s like literal electricity flowing through my arm, and with that sharp coldness it makes it extremely annoying to go about my day to day routine of scaring people with my mad lifting skillz.

As a result of recent events I’m currently operating in left hand mode for basic computer usage, and so far that seems to help alleviate the pain. I don’t think I’d be able to game with my left hand, but for my own personal work usage I have no problems getting by. I even got a small bit of work done in SFM tonight! I’m a bit slower, but working with the other hand causes my whole arm to freeze and go numb… I’d rather go a little slower on a project and have happy limbs than go fast and regret it later. I’m just hoping some time off and a little medication will help get things back to normal; I really don’t want to go into surgery unless it’s a last resort.

Doctors Doctors Doctors

I had an appointment the other day with a doctor for the first time in about 4 years, needed to get something checked and the good news is that I’m fine. I’ve scheduled another appointment two months out for something else. Then yesterday I went into the dentists office to show off my latest setup for their website, which they loved. Other than the doctor had no idea what this was:


So I’ll have to switch it out with another picture, which is no big deal. There’s plenty of free non-copyrighted pictures of that type to choose from. 😀 Also took some more photos for the website, so my plans are going to be real photoshop heavy… that and I’ll be researching some additional plugins. Also they had an opening for a tooth cleaning appointment for next Monday, so that was convenient. Now I just need to get with an eye doctor and I’ll be fully calibrated.