Early Morning Open Thread Of Openess

Encountered one of the guys who is really interested in getting together with me. He tried to get my facebook information so that he could keep in contact and was rather disappointed when I revealed that I don’t do social media. He couldn’t believe a “tech savvy” person would have no interest in facebook because y’know… I guess you have to be smart to use facebook, right? That’s why it’s common for facebook users to friend their bosses or employees and post stupid shit that ends up getting them fired. Yeah, smart people.

Then he tried to get my email address, which I don’t give out either. A week ago he tried to get me to enter my phone number into his cellphone… Him (and his father who he pals around with) are new to town, and don’t really have anything to do around here because it’s a small town. So they hang out in the store everyday and follow employees around (including me), sometimes making multiple trips. Whenever I have a day off I don’t go shopping or anything. I go for walks, go to an occasional party with friends or just keep to myself. He keeps asking me where I’ve been during my days off as if I’ve been avoiding him, then passes it off as a joke and tells me not to get flustered…

He seems like a nice kid, but as I’ve said before I don’t really hang out with customers. Hell I rarely have time to hang out with my friends who happen to be employees. Plus I’m too busy coming up with my own stuff to do. Like today I chatted with my international buddies, tidied up a bit, drank tea and tested out my new costume pieces. So far I’m happy with the results! I also got my paints in the mail today so next time I’m ready I’ll be able to do some painting on my mask. So far for the costume I have:

A mask (that needs to be painted and strapped)
A bandana
A hooded cape
A wig

When I’m done with this I’m gonna freak out soooo many people at Halloween time. I know at least two or three people that’ll get the joke. Even if people don’t get it (since it involves the gaming universe in a way) it’ll still be fun to dress up as something original.

So… OculusRift got bought out by Facebook.

Never in my life would I ever think to hear the words “John Carmack works for Mark Zuckerburg” in one sentence. Yep! The Oculus Rift project has been bought up by Facebook. So I guess now you’ll be able to VR Farmville, and maybe John Carmack will bring DooM to facebook! Oh god… The entire internet is in an uproar about this right now.

“Mobile is the platform of today, and now we’re also getting ready for the platforms of tomorrow,” Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg says. “Oculus has the chance to create the most social platform ever, and change the way we work, play and communicate.”

Suddenly the Sony Equivalent is looking a tad nicer.

Facebook makes people fat.

Of the 470 participants asked, those who used Facebook the most had reportedly higher body mass indexes than those who were not as frequently engaged. Researchers additionally learned that binge eating was commonly associated with high involvement with the social networking site.

No wonder I’m healthy. πŸ˜€

In other news: Facebook continues to suck.

Apparently they’re testing a service that allows internet telemarketers to pay to message you.

Today we’re starting a small experiment to test the usefulness of economic signals to determine relevance. This test will give a small number of people the option to pay to have a message routed to the Inbox rather than the Other folder of a recipient that they are not connected with.

Several commentators and researchers have noted that imposing a financial cost on the sender may be the most effective way to discourage unwanted messages and facilitate delivery of messages that are relevant and useful.

Suuuuuuuure that won’t get abused. πŸ˜†

Another reason why I’m not a fan of facebook.

Not that it would affect me in this particular situation.


Washington Facebook Voter Registration

OLYMPIA, Wash. — Facebook users in Washington state will have something else to brag about to their online friends: that they registered to vote on Facebook.

The secretary of state’s office said Tuesday it will have an application on its Facebook page that allows residents to register to vote and then “like” the application and recommend it to their friends. It’s expected to launch as early as next week.

I read about this and thought it was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Do any of these morons realize facebook keeps tabs on everything? Oh wait… We’re too fucking lazy to care.

I’m sorry. I’m not the kind of person that likes it when places like facebook or myspace keep tabs on everything that I do. Yes I understand that people use it also to find jobs or keep in touch with family. It’s just stupid that places like facebook use that sort of thing to exploit people into giving them their own personal information so that they may sell it for a profit. If anyone registers to vote via facebook they get whatever they deserve.

I’ll keep my blog and email thank you.