I’m in need of some positive vibes this evening, and it doesn’t get more positive than Bob Ross in Fallout 4:
Fallout 4
All work and no play makes me a dull Overlord
After fixing all of my websites, and doing the dusting I wasn’t able to get to last week I felt I deserved to goof off for the sake of goofing off. I’m currently in Vault 75 snooping around. It was a vault located under a school, making it easy for children to get to safety when the nuke went off… or so it starts out that way, further reading makes it look like when the children got older they met a not so happy ending; their organs were harvested and were used to put a curse on Vault 76! Anyone is free to leave the vault, but upon doing so they are forever doomed to wander a wasteland that contains unspeakable horrors like no other! Such as moon walking enemies, immortal enemies, phantom painus in the anus, and sudden disconnection from The Holy Goddess Beth Esda. .. I might be paraphrasing.
Hell hath no fury like an Overlord scorned
Or was that stoned? :v:
I love being able to go into the dev console and head around making screenshots worthy of appearing on my desktop. I can’t remember the purpose, but my robot friend and I kicked a bunch of shiny metal ass. I was rewarded with much needed swag and further instructions. Perhaps I’ll adventure more tomorrow if I’m still feeling green under the gills.
Oh yeah, and Fallout 76 released… anyone check into it?
Weekend Open Thread: Bethesda Owns My Ass Edition
Despite the nice crisp weather I’ve been feeling under the weather today… I can’t tell if if its allergies or the cold going around… or if I’m just sleep deprived which is a huge possibility I’ll try to sort soon (though I’ve found some nice foolproof sleeping aids if you know what I mean :v: ). But other than feeling a little off I had a nice chill day. Played a little bit more of Fallout 4, and even managed to do a little bit of Quake Champions with Yutram for awhile. We tried out different game modes and ended up annihilating each other other over separation anxiety due to the fact that it kept placing us on separate teams… and not being able to read the damned dark red font over everyone’s head. As usual there is footage involved, but the question “will it ever see the light of day?” looms over it.
Aside from that some of the other modes were fun. I’ve always been an old school style Deathmatch or gone for some TDM, but I did have a bit of fun with Sacrifice, Hot Rocket and the gamemode that spawns you as different people. Oh! Slipgate was fun too. Though chasing that red anus sometimes got confusing, though I guess that depends on the map doesn’t it…
Here’s to me waking up without half my face feeling like its on fire. :happy:
Fallout 4 Photo Bomb
Today I let myself get lost in the Wastelands of Fallout 4. This seems to be one of those games that I don’t get around to often, but when I do that one day just gets consumed by all of the quests and adventure. It really is similar to Skyrim, only with guns and a more gloomy atmosphere. Where Skyrim is role playing based around magic spells, dragons and swords, Fallout 4 is about venturing a post nuke world. Both games are very similar, yet give me different emotions when I play. Both are equally fun though in their own ways, no denying that at all.
I covered a lot of ground today, found a vault and even completed some quests, side quests and helped some random settlers. I didn’t just wander the wasteland like a buffoon as I normally do. 😛
During my journey I met up with a robot named Ada. Her and I beat up some ghouls before I decided to call it quits.
I have come to the conclusion that Ghouls and Draugr are both relatives in between these universes. Both are enemies that are destined to fall at my blade. I will say that I really needed to play this, I’ve played too much of the newer Tomb Raider games recently, and I kept trying to use the controls from those games in this one as well as a couple of other ones I’ve revisited recently (TF2 the other night was awkward).
I think the most rewarding part of the game though was encountering my first radscorpion, and introducing it to my friendly neighborhood rocket launcher. The monster was no more… unless you count me in the fiery distance. 😛
I’m thinking tomorrow I’ll go back to Quantum Break for a bit instead; been meaning to advance on that one for awhile but haven’t had a chance.
From canines to cat women
This week my interests have been between both Windows and Linux. On the Linux side I tested out Saints Row 3 and 4 with with nice results. There was also a bit of Sega Megadrive/Genesis Classics with only a minor graphical bug.
Under Windows this week I got lost in Okami, adventured in No Man’s Sky, then of course today I wandered around Fallout 4 aka Skyrim with guns. I even completed a quest and got people to join The Minutemen! One of these days I plan to escape the clutches of Preston Gravy. I think my next goal is to mod Dogmeat into something else. I’ll have to check out the Fallout 4 Nexus next time for some much needed inspiration.
What would REALLY be cool would be a mod that replaces Codsworth with Octodad, then I could get Bong to voice his lines to complete the illusion. Of course by getting Bong to voice Codsworth I mean have Bong speak into his microphone for hours with HIS ideas of what Codsworth would say… actually this is starting to sound like a bad idea. :v:
Fallout Miami
A modding team working on their project: Fallout Miami has released this really swank trailer.
This is looking to be quite a big amount of content. I’m not too far into Fallout 4 yet apart from wandering around like a buffoon and enjoying the scenery, but I always welcome mods like these to prolong my experience, as seen during my adventures in Skyrim. :v:
Fallout 4 Photo Bomb
I continued onward with my adventures in Fallout 4 or as I like to call it Skyrim with guns… or in my case swords, no idea how it always ends up that way. I do appreciate the details they’ve left in the world, from objects to physics, and how such objects and bodies are placed in the world.
Here we see three former people having a netflix and chill night minus the netflix, and as you can see only two of these people are wearing clothes… hmmmm. Playing off of what a friend said on Steam, the naked guy stripped naked and mooned his mates; then he let out a giant fart and ended the entire world.
I’m not entirely sure what to make of this one. Why are the mannequins revolting against this dead schmuck? Why a plunger? What kind of kink factory is this? Well, at least the mannequins got head… in the toilet.
The irony here, he is now just as mobile as the mannequin, goes to show you can even love your possessions in the afterlife.
Thanks to Yutram I got my hands on some more mods for the next play session (mainly bug fixes and other game improvements with some fun stuff). But if anyone has some other mod suggestions feel free to float them by me. I think after two days of Fallout 4 though I’ll be giving myself a break and doing something Source related, assuming I’ll have the energy for it tomorrow after work. Time to see if I’ll be able to walk off this sprain…
Sunday Open Thread
As if last weeks back issues weren’t bad enough I had a small fall down the stairs last night. Nothing broken or swollen, just really sore. I’ve been taking it easy, mainly playing Fallout 4 while sipping tea.
I even completed a quest! It wasn’t just wandering around killing random raiders and monsters, there was some form of purpose… also I modded the moon and really wanted to see it in action.
Games and agony
I took to wandering the wasteland today, didn’t feel like doing much else. I somehow managed to conjure up pain in my shoulder blades this morning; I can’t remember how exactly, but once it happened I heard a crack followed by an intense pain that I’ve only been able to get the edge off of with painkillers and candy. That and playing a bit of Fallout 4 with 2Boss. 😛
I also ventured into XCom 2, a friend of mine from work recommended it to me during the summer sale. I’m not really one for RTS games, but when he mentioned modding and the amount of customization you can put into making your own characters that made my ears perk up. I don’t have any screenshots yet, but give it time. I think it might even be worthy of recording, or streaming at the very least.
Oh, also on the subject of games I revisited Myst Online: Uru Live yesterday. It was interesting to see how it performed on my new processor, for some strange reason one of my cores was pegged at 97% at all times. It wasn’t that big of a deal considering I have 16 threads total, it’s just really bizarre. Then of course there was Cards Against Humanity with friends. Something I really shouldn’t play before bed, as that caused some really strange dreams I’d rather not go into detail about. :zorak: We’ll just say that I turned Gollum Hitler into a potato by stabbing him with my sword. I can’t really say much else because I’m afraid the internet might not be ready for what my brain churns out during a nightly sleep session.