To these people the words love, care, and empathy have no place in a dictionary (not that they would bother reading one).

So I’m sure quite a few of you heard about the shooting in Colorado. One of the things that happened during the shootings was brave men giving their lives to save their wives or girlfriends. As tragic as it is, it was also very noble, honorable and heroic of them, and they will be remembered for it. This asshole of the century on the other hand has a different perspective.

So… These men lost their lives and these women lost the men they loved, and James Taranto is hoping they’re worthy of anything? What the hell is wrong with these people? I’ll bet this chicken shit would run out of the theater screaming like a little bitch.

I hope that one of these days that these women hopefully visit him to show him how “worthy” they are. Jesus Christ, of all the people that deserve to be drug out into the street and beaten with a salty glass covered club… People like him have no love or care in their heart.

In disbelief.

I’ve been in serious thought for the last 24 hours. I learned last night that I’m required to go to my boss whenever I want a raise. This isn’t something that was documented anywhere, in fact I figured that it would kick in eventually. My mother works at the same place and she never had to request a raise. It just happened. The only time I’ve ever gotten a raise was whenever minimum wage went up. I’ve been pulled aside when my wages were dropped. But not raised…

They have no problem cutting hours, understaffing people, having them do the jobs of multiple people, cutting wages, forcing them to do shit that they don’t want to do. But they can’t even so much as give people a raise when it’s due.

I’ve been contemplating my next move. I’m either going to warn them that I’m looking for another job again, put in my two weeks notice and tell them to piss off, or be deathly quiet about it until I can get a confirmed hire.

Five years of me busting my ass for them and coming in at all hours to cover for people, five years of doing shit that I didn’t even want to do just so they can make ends meet, and in the end there’s nothing to show for it. On the bright side this might motivate me for taking a few college classes. Maybe get into the store that’s closer to home.

What a fucking pussy.

It seems every other day people think I’m from another planet country. Today someone thought I was from Germany. Not sure why… Seems like every other day people either think I’m Canadian, Russian, British or whatever. Not complaining at all, I actually think it’s funny.

Now for the not so fun news, well in a way it was I guess… The sexist co-worker I work with seems to have some masculinity issues. He was spreading a rumor around work about me switching shifts with people to avoid him… Really? I told my boss about it, he talked to him. Then he forced him to apologize to me. Which was rather lolzy because never before have I ever seen that much fear in his eyes. Of course while he was stumbling with his words I had a smile on my face, similar to this.

It seemed he “misheard” our main boss talking about some woman getting her shift switched around because she didn’t want to work with someone. He assumed since I was the only she that I was the one that had a problem with him. I didn’t call him on anything because I had a lot of work to deal with, but 1: I RARELY ever request a schedule change. In fact the guy that has this problem with me changed his schedule more in the first 2 months he worked there than my entire 5 years there! And 2: Even if I did switch shifts with someone. Why the fuck would he think I was doing it to avoid anyone? Including him? Yes I think he’s a fucking pussy douchebag… But I am respectful. Sometimes a bit too much I think.

He also didn’t help his case when he said “I didn’t expect the guy who told you to say anything…”. I relayed that back to both my boss and the person who informed me and it’s agreed. He’s a fucking lazy pussy douche. He also went home 4 hours early because “his shoulder was hurting”. Jesus Fucking Christ. That reminds me of something I saw today. But that’s going to get it’s own post.

I’m just glad I don’t have to work tomorrow.

Some people…

I was helping a customer tonight. Felt really sorry for her.

I had to go out to our bottle return area to help do a hand count since the machines were rejecting their cans (happens frequently). And as I walk out there I hear what would either be her husband or boyfriend yelling at her to “get in the fucking car” then calling her expletives like bitch and cunt. Upon seeing me he shut his hole for whatever reason (thank god). Felt really sorry for her. I made sure to be extra nice to her. I don’t care who you are. Man or woman that’s no way to be treated.

“No more Mr Nice Guy”

Stumbled upon this site and lmao’d.

Here are my favorite nut pickin’s

Did you ever notice that only a woman can talk about the superiority of her own sex without getting booed or scolded?

He has a point there. Men never do this. Never in my life have I ever seen men talk about themselves as being the super ultra mega superior gender. I mean seriously. To suggest otherwise is nothing more than a fairytale.

Did you ever notice there is no shortage of excuses and tolerance whenever sexist speech or behavior comes from a woman? And did you ever notice that any woman who claims to be concerned about “inequality” usually manages to studiously ignore (or angrily deny) the inequalities that favor her?

Ah you mean like how men also try to ignore inequalities that favor them? C’mon you’re gonna have to try a little harder than that! šŸ™‚

Finding ways to talk about those (and other) things is probably one reason you’re here. If you’re a first-time visitor, before you start going all mad at me and sending death threats and hate mail, you should start-off by reading: why I think U.S. women rank among the most sexist humans on the planet, the Top 10 Criticisms I’ve gotten so far… my self-introduction and last but not least, my explanation for why I started this site and why I’ve chosen exile from American gals.

So you’re off the American market then. Nice to see the property values have gone up. šŸ™‚

This page is about, essentially, why NiceGuy thinks Ameriskanks (mostly) Suck *. Such as: their extreme and gleeful sexism. Their accompanying denials of their sexism.

IOW what you’re doing right now. šŸ™‚ r u a girl?

This page is about, essentially, why NiceGuy thinks Ameriskanks (mostly) Suck *. Such as: their extreme and gleeful sexism. Their accompanying denials of their sexism. Their head-games. Their double-standards and double-speak. Their massive and despicable hypocrisies. Their verbal abuse. Their thanklessness. Their narcissism. Their lies within lies within lies. Their never-ending, sanctimonious victimhood mentality. The bigotry they thinly-disguise as “humor”. Their mouthy temper-tantrums. Their “I want everything whether I deserve it or not” attitude. Their unceasing complain-a-thons. Their demands to be continuously pampered and showered with money. The fact that they will spread their legs for a man who gives them enough jewelry, yet will deny their obvious whoring. Their convenient blindness to the fact that they scapegoat men and screw-over men constantly. Their knee-jerk denials whenever it comes time to evaluate their own flaws in an honest fashion. How they’ll complain of men failing to express their emotions while simultaneously ignoring male emotions with smarmy cries of “take it like a maaaayaaan!” The fact that they routinely behave outrageously unfairly towards men yet always demand that men treat them fairly… Did I miss anything?

You didn’t describe women. You just described everyone in the GOP. Well done.

As for the Ameriskanks between the ages of 16 and 35, they occupy a special place in my heart. If you’ve ever met any, then you’ve probably come-away with the impression that they’re (mostly) hopelessly spoiled, incurably psychotic, compulsively mendacious, irredeemably corrupt and intrinsically toxic human beings.

Oh flattery will get you everywhere. šŸ˜‰

That’s why I moved-away from ’em: I get quite a bit of comfort from knowing I have distanced myself safely beyond the reach of their vile claws. And nowadays I simply view those trolls with a mixture of bemusement and contempt. Especially since quite a few of ’em seem to believe they’re “oppressed” because they get whistled-at occasionally and the Barbie dolls are too curvy. (Pathetic, but true!)

Yeah, that whole paycheck fairness act that didn’t pass in congress wasn’t women getting oppressed. It was to protect small businesses from going under. Sorry ladies. Someone has to suffer so it might as well be you. But don’t worry, you’re just as equal as men are!

When you come to a country like Japan, the egregious hypocrisy and nastiness of Ameriskanks comes-out in spades. For instance: if you ever call an Ameriskank a “slut”, they’ll explode in fury. “Why is it when a woman asserts her sexuality, she’s a slut?!” they’ll screech. But when they come to Japan they’ll see foreign men with Japanese girlfriends and get angry because they’re not the center of attention anymore. So they’ll start to grumble that Japanese women must be a bunch of sluts(!) Hilarious.

Ah, now we come to the part where we pull data from another country to make the point they’re failing miserably to complete. SSDD

And “Where are the REAL men?” they’ll demand, while wearing their Wonderbras, mascara and lipstick. “Why aren’t there any REAL men left?” they’ll whine, with their hair-extensions and acrylic nails. Utterly moronic.

Sigh I really wish you would stop talking about the GOP in that manner. Not all of them are like that.

Ok, I can’t read anymore of this. I need to get back to doing my usual nerd stuff.

Make babies or get acid thrown in your face

Apologies for fewer posts again. Between my internet crapping up and my webhost being hard to get to I’ve been having to cope.

But back to blogging! Lets start with this article that showed up in my RSS (Really Stupid Shit) feed today.

Today he found one hell of a winner. He’s one of the many types that believe that women don’t need to be educated, their vaginas give them the honor of staying home and making babies! To not do so means that they are missing out on a wonderful thing, something that only men understand… not women.

[E]ducating women is strongly correlated with reducing their disposition and ability to reproduce themselves. Educating them tends to make them evolutionary dead ends. ā€¦ 40% of German women with college degrees are childless. Does PZ seriously wish to claim that not reproducing is intrinsically beneficial to women?

I like how they have to pull numbers from another country to make their point, when they’re claiming most of the problem is with American women. So lets go get some numbers from Germany! Are they true though? You normally provide links to facts such as those…

[R]aising girls with the expectation that their purpose in life is to bear children allows them to pursue marriage at the age of their peak fertility, increase the wage rates of their prospective marital partners, and live in stable, low-crime, homogenous societies that are not demographically dying. It also grants them privileged status, as they alone are able to ensure the continued survival of the society and the species alike. Women are not needed in any profession or occupation except that of child-bearer and child-rearer, and even in the case of the latter, they are only superior, they are not absolutely required.

Yes, as soon as they start their period marry them off! Some girls start their periods rather early (even before becoming a teen), just marry them off and make them into mini baby machines. God bless the south.

Also if you read the article you’ll see that it’s perfectly acceptable to harm and maim women who don’t resign themselves to being nothing more than baby making machines.

The comments at the original blog (not at the manboobz blog but at the one he’s quoting from) are hilariously stupid. Although there was a white knight that came in there and made the mistake of providing fact, he was quickly shot down by one of the resident HeMen and the masturbaters of the universe. Which reminds me of an old saying, never argue with an idiot. Here is one of my favorites:

Neither are men. Women proved they could mostly replace us during wars.

I forget that women invented the atom bomb, radar, sonar, jet engines, and rockets…

the vital work that men do is invent things that increase the standard of living for the entire planet…women do not…

Can’t tell if sarcasm or if they’re a total fucking moron. Both?

Quite honestly I think it’s more of a fear that they have.”A girl” could be smarter than them, and that’s just wrong. Like so many other things these people continue to be afraid of. What’s funnier is a study I heard about years back. Women become smarter after giving birth. They’re pretty much fucked either way I guess.

The rise, fall, and rise again of George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina

Man, first I miss out on the solar eclipse because of work, now I miss out on the closing, opening, reclosing etc of ever so brave George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina is having a really shitty time on the internet lately hasn’t he? Of course he’s too stupid to figure out that he’s been digging his own net based grave.

Believe it or not, a snarky website called glossy news held an interview with George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. Yes… This is real. Here is a quick summary of whatĀ George Tierney Jr of Greenville South Carolina actually believes.

  1. Georgetown is a fake Catholic university
  2. The war on women is as fake as the war on blacks and illegals
  3. Lou Gehrigs comes from Iraq
  4. Muslims have a pact to infiltrate western politics
  5. Barack Obamaā€™s real name is George Sorrento
  6. America was at war with Russia in the 70s
  7. Obama is personally arsenic-deathing all the cancer-curing doctors

The full 44 minute log of the interview is on that site if you wish to read it. The audio interview is available as well for those who request it. Now, if you want to see some more of the awesomeness that is George Tierney Jr of Greenville South Carolina, check out this link. It seemsĀ George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is attacking a wide array of people, from The President and First Lady to Data from Star Trek and Tom Hanks. George Tierney Jr of Greenville South Carolina really gets around!

Oh what’s this?

Is it me, or isĀ George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina preparing himself for being nailed to a cross in that pic? At this point he might as well prepare. Especially with more ugly truth coming out about George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. LikeĀ George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina’s restraining order for exampleĀ George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina really knows how to handle the ladies doesn’t he?

Edited to add even MOAR George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina

Either follow your own rules or get rid of them.

Veralun Verylooney wrote: We do read the reports and if needed we take actions.
Reporting the same thing twice or more times will not help very much.

The team will have a look into the Profanity rule to see if we can improve this rule, so that it will be more clear for everyone.
We will come back on this, but we ask some patience here to work this out.

Ofcourse we expect users from this forum not to use profane or offensive language.
Your reports about this are welcome.

For now I will lock this thread and close the reports.
Any comments or questions can go by PM’ing a member of the team.


Seriously, how hard is it to look at what someone wrote and decide if it should be deleted? Also what’s the point of reporting someone breaking the rules if they discard the report without doing anything? At least message the person who reported the issue and tell them why you didn’t act on it. I mean as quick as they are to moderate other things you would think swearing or censored swearing would be amongst the top with those people.

The stupid… it buurrnnns.

ISP may become big brother…

This just doesn’t sound right.

Internet providers would be forced to keep logs of their customersā€™ activities for one yearā€”in case police want to review them in the futureā€”under legislation that a U.S. House of Representatives committee approved today.

The 19 to 10 vote represents a victory for conservative Republicans, who made data retention their first major technology initiative after last fallā€™s elections, and the Justice Department officials who have quietly lobbied for the sweeping new requirements, a development first reported by CNET.

A last-minute rewrite of the bill expands the information that commercial Internet providers are required to store to include customersā€™ names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses, some committee members suggested. By a 7-16 vote, the panel rejected an amendment that would have clarified that only IP addresses must be stored.

It represents ā€œa data bank of every digital act by every Americanā€ that would ā€œlet us find out where every single American visited Web sites,ā€ said Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, who led Democratic opposition to the bill.

Lofgren said the data retention requirements are easily avoided because they only apply to ā€œcommercialā€ providers. Criminals would simply go to libraries or Starbucks coffeehouses and use the Web anonymously, she said, while law-abiding Americans would have their activities recorded.

To make it politically difficult to oppose, proponents of the data retention requirements dubbed the bill the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011, even though the mandatory logs would be accessible to police investigating any crime and perhaps attorneys litigating civil disputes in divorce, insurance fraud, and other cases as well.

ā€œThe bill is mislabeled,ā€ said Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the panel. ā€œThis is not protecting children from Internet pornography. Itā€™s creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes.ā€

So by my ISP storing info on what sites I go to, what my bank account info is, how many pairs of underwear I’ve purchased off ebay, and whatever else they want to keep tabs on is going to keep children safe from people taping their sexcapades? Are we really going to be that fucking stupid to pass such a dumb assed bill? This is data mining, the kind of shit companies like google and spacebook thrive over.

It’s amazing what you can get people to do for you by simply shouting things like “child rape” or “9/11” over and over again. And the sad part here is that there are actual people out there that will think honest to the invisible man in the sky that this law will protect children from pr0n. Give me a fucking break.

“No Women Allowed”

So I was going through my Really Stupid Shit Feed and found something really stupid. Not by the author (I do agree with them). Rather what’s being discussed in the post.

Their blog post.

Then I started to read further into this over at Kotaku.

“Nothing ruins a good LAN party like uncomfortable guests or lots of tension, both of which can result from mixing immature, misogynistic male-gamers with female counterparts,”

As I read these articles I couldn’t help but be reminded of the fuckwits on the right that single out Islam for how badly they treat women, and here they are banning people from a fucking Texas LAN party for having a vagina? Why don’t you just slap a fucking burqa on them then, at least everyone will be wearing robes…

“We actively discourage gamers from being the kind of mysogynistic jackwagons seen in the Reddit post, and such behavior should not be tolerated. Frankly, we don’t like that kind of player either. And to punish them we shall ban all women from the event. That’ll really show those guys whose in charge! So far as this event goes, it is an special event designed specifically for male gamers. Further, it is meant as a getaway designed to help said male contingent become better men both for themselves and for those who love us.”

Fixed for accuracy. Any women who love guys like these have to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

It’s just sad that certain guys can’t accept reality. Then again this is taking place in Texas so…