Swing and a miss

I had something pointed out to me at work that I wasn’t going to write about. But with the events that happened yesterday I feel like I should. I’ve been stewing at it since then and I really need to get this written out. So lets start from the beginning.

Two days ago when I showed up for work one of my coworkers shared something he stumbled upon from a website that posts lots of junk, someone posted in the personals section of said site looking for someone they saw working at a particular place, with particular hair, and a particular item of their body they had a hard time not staring at. The place they described was where I work, and the person they described was me. I was a little creeped out by it. But I shrugged it off anyway and figured it wasn’t anything worth writing about. It was posted over a month ago, so why make a big deal out of it?

That was until…

Yesterday I was helping someone in our console section, and he wanted to know the improvements were between the old gen and new. So I filled in the details and he ended up telling me he hasn’t cared about consoles in a long time and that he preferred PC. So we talked about PC gaming and how fun it was to mod, and then we got on the subject of Skyrim, it was a nice conversation and it left off on a good note… until I walked off. Then he commented about that particular part of me that he found attractive. I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t my eyes. Anyways the comment hit me below the belt and ruined my mood for the day. I wasn’t expecting this especially a day after having it pointed out to me that someone was looking for me on at least one particular site. I informed everyone who worked with me about these events so they could keep a lookout.

What pisses me off is that the conversation went really well, we had some common interests, he was real nice looking, but then he had to ruin it with a sexual comment. He might as well of said “Hey I got a bucket of chicken… ya wanna do it?”.

This world man… where did everything go wrong.

Early Morning Open Thread

The weirdos have been out in full force. I was working tonight and we had a drunkard wander in looking for a solar charger, and getting pissy when we said we didn’t carry any. And yesterday I had an old man tell me that I’m an angel in disguise… okay? Not sure what he meant by that. If he saw my mad skyrim skillz he’d see I’ve become the angel of death… who happens to kill things that are already dead.


I know one thing, he didn’t mean Angel Of Darkness.


Someday… If I have enough alcohol I may be able to finish the first level.

Homeland Security hates witches….?

I think someone escaped from a mental institution today, and it wasn’t me this time! I guess I had this coming since I’ve been having nice work days since the start of the new year. Anyways on with the shtory!

There was this old lady in the store today wearing a black TShirt with a fake tuxedo on it, black skirt and black pippy long stockings. Her hair was colored like a faded rainbow (you could see the gray through it), and she was complaining to me that the US gov could find her in Europe but not in the US, and because of this she couldn’t get any job. Then she told me her life story about how she was in Europe ready to become a University Professor (you have no idea how hard it was for me to keep a straight face, but luckily I watched enough Stephen Colbert to know how to keep a good poker face) and that Homeland Security ruined it for her. Thankfully I had a phone call save me from her blather, however… I would soon discover she had victimized a few other co-workers. She told one that she was a witch banned from the US for two years, and when she returned she was added to the “no fly list”, and to another she said she talked to the company founder back in the 90’s (which is funny considering he died in the 80’s) and he said we all needed to all stop being white trash Oregonians. Which is funny considering the only real white trash people are people who migrated here from the south with some exceptions of a few locals.

I’m glad it’s all over now at least. I can spend three days in my own little world where my friends are a slenderman with a mullet, a dalek from New Jersey, a blockdude, a spy, and an eyeball with a tophat. Oh god… I think I’m crazy too. O_o

Get the duck out of here.

I’m really getting sick and tired of the Duck Dynasty thing. Lots of people in town (including co-workers) were extremely pissed off about Phil Robertson being thrown off the air, and have been rejoicing his triumphant return ever since but are still pissed off at how they would even think of oppressing a fellow Christian for his beliefs. One of my co-workers decided to ask my opinion on the situation which would prove later to be a mistake. I kept it light, basically telling him that they’re fakes. I explained to him the picture I found of them 11 years ago before the beards, and how it was obvious that they grew them out for TV. He defended that by saying “People do different things for TV” and I said “Yes, but it’s supposed to be a ‘reality’ show”, and then he tried to tell me that it was wrong for them to take him off the air because of “one thing”. Why are these people only focusing on the gay comment and not this comment:

“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field…. They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!… Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

I imagine that if I brought up this bit about marrying girls as young as 15 or 16 it would also fall on deaf ears. Yes, Phil Robertson mentioned this back in 2009 at a Christian retreat.

“They got to where they’re getting hard to find, mainly because these boys are waiting ’til they get to be about 20 years old before they marry ’em,” Robertson says in a video clip that resurfaced Monday. “Look, you wait ’til they get to be 20 years old, the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks.”

Yeah, you wanna marry them while they don’t know the world from outside your toolshed. It doesn’t end there either:

“Make sure that she can cook a meal. You need to eat some meals that she cooks, check that out. Make sure she carries her Bible. That’ll save you a lot of trouble down the road,” he said.

It’s funny reading this then having to listen to people complain about how his religious beliefs got him thrown off of A&E. Yes, everyone knows that Christians in America are the most oppressed. All 70% of them… 🙄

This is why you don’t tell people you’re a girl… or a gamer… or use dating sites… or breathe…

This is from a webseries called “OKCupid is the best!” where the hostess solikebasically shares the strangest things she finds in her OKCupid inbox. In this particular episode some guy discovers that she likes games, the awkwardness is soon followed with morbid disgust.


Was that really necessary? Usually when someone doesn’t respond to you that means you move on, you know… more fish in the sea and all that jazz? Of course, she’s also getting criticized for doing the unthinkable and posting his messages to her in public for all to hear. Just think, this could have been avoided if he just dropped it after the first post.

Idiot of the day

Damn, she was soooo close to being a candidate for the Darwin Awards… 🙄

A “female tourist” has been rescued by police in Melbourne, Australia after walking off a pier. It wasn’t a suicide attempt. She was just too busy looking at Facebook on her phone.

Victoria Police say the woman – who couldn’t swim – walked off the famous St. Kilda pier at 11:30pm last night after becoming “engrossed in social media”.


Slept in on Black Friday

I slept off a good turkey coma. Woke up today with feeling happy that I didn’t have to endure this kind of shiz:

That was all to be expected. He got kicked out because he wasn’t buying anything or attacking anyone! I like how the cops didn’t do anything either. How is this even fun?

And finally a fight over a TV…. a fucking TV.

Of course. Right now as I speak I am shopping around online for some cool deals. Unfortunately Newegg doesn’t really have anything spectacular. But I am getting some nice presents from places like World Market and Amazon. I think I’ll hit up ebay next.

Forget the XBox One! Give me the box it came in!


Seriously… what the hell? They’re selling on ebay for almost if not the same price as the damned console.


The scary part? People are bidding on these. Either people don’t know how to read an entire sentence, or they want the special shiny packaging… Either way it’s weird to watch.

Bringing forth another Open Thread

I went to work on my video project for Halloween and decided meh, too tired… So I decided to boot back to the Fedora side and test out some games. I tried to play Painkiller Hell and Damnation but didn’t get very far due to the program freezing the entire system. So I ended up playing psychonauts instead which ran smoothly.

I also recorded some stuff from a mumble discussion tonight. Sometime in the near future I’ll publicize a horrible fanfic reading. Each chapter will be it’s own episode. I’m thinking of hosting it on this blog and on my youtube channel. The fanfic is called “It’s My Life!” and it’s a Portal 2 fanfic that rivals My Immortal (although we pretty much agreed that it’s better than My Immortal or hell, even The Room!) and it’s full of all kinds of confusing details, grammar and well… I’ll save it for release.

Oh, and to wrap things up I got a smoothie, kicked back and went to town countertrolling some insufferable prick in one of the chats I’m a mod of. I’ve put it on my forum for those who are interested in reading it. Lets just say he was too easy…

The constant flow of weirdness continues.

At the end of the night I was treated to an unpleasant strip tease… A woman decided she didn’t need a fitting room and wanted to try shirts on. She stripped all the way down to her two bras. Security informed us about it, we told her to stop but she kept going anyway… Then she complained about it to someone else because how dare anyone not want to look at her double bra titties.

That is my weird report for the day. Tune in tomorrow for more WTF.