Trading JRPGS for Indies

I guess I didn’t have much energy to post yesterday… I blame NieR’s musical score for lulling me to sleep. I did wake up this morning with some fine energy, made a good breakfast and did a few things around the house. Oh, and of course there was some 4K gaming shenanigans. 😛 But I gave the Japanese RPG games a rest, and focused on playing some Unreal Engine Indie Games like Overload, and BPM: Bullets Per Minute.

I still suck at it, but I did at least get an achievement for getting out of the first two levels! It’s an FPS Roguelike where you can only shoot to the beat of the music, all the while traversing a dungeon that changes each time you die, which makes the gameplay much less stale at least.

On this particular playthough I happened to find a bank! Handy for stashing extra coinage when I don’t have a use for it. As an added bonus if you find the bank again after you die you’ll be able to retrieve your coins. That came in handy this evening for buying some pricey powerups that can’t easily be obtained within one dungeon romp. As much as I keep dying it’s oddly addicting to play.

Amnesia Sunday

In continuing my spooktacular themed mood I decided to give Amnesia: The Dark Descent another chance. My last play attempt was back in 2015, and it was plagued with control issues. Needless to say I didn’t have that issue this time around, and so far everything has been running perfectly! I just found my way into the wine cellar and I’m trying not to go too insane. I think I’m getting close to the part where the creepy creeps will try to chase me.

Perhaps next week, if I don’t decide to play something else. 😛

Indies: Only If

I treated myself to a game this weekend… I think? I haven’t played anything in over a week and sifted through my ever expanding games collection when I came upon a game I forgot I obtained a long time ago, and so can anyone else. Only If is a first person puzzle game that isn’t afraid to kick you to the curb. Your name is Anthony, and you’re going to a party to meet a girl named Sam, and you’re such a fucking pansy that your vision fades before even opening the god damned door! Bloody Pratt.

You awake in a bedroom of the house you were too much of a wuss to quite make it into… somehow. There is a door on the right of the anime babe, all ready to engulf you (or Anthony) in Darkness. You find a light shining in a void, as you walk to it the light orb begins to move and you hear someone or something giving chase.

The light orb leads Anthony to a blocked door; he manages to get through, only to be greeted by our antagonist: An angry radio (and probably one of the few good voice actors in the game) that simultaneously threatens, helps and berates you.

You are tasked with choosing a white or black pawn; Taking a white pawn means to sacrifice yourself while taking a black pawn sacrifices Sam (the girl/plot device). You have to complete a puzzle after choosing your desired pawn, and once you succeed you’ll have a key to open the door representing the choice you made with your pawn. Each path is different, and some of the answers to some of the rooms are not what you would expect. Some of the puzzles don’t seem practically solvable without a guide. [su_spoiler title=”If you aren’t afraid of spoilers…” open=”no” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]I couldn’t even figure out how to get past the first part of the White Pawn portion in the first room where the guy over the radio, “Vinny” is asking you to name something sweet, and if you don’t type the answer you’ll die. I didn’t know I could just type! Supposedly he gives away the typing bit over the radio but it sounded unintelligible to me.[/su_spoiler]

It’s far from perfect, but for the price and the year this came out I can’t really complain too much. I need to fiddle around with it a bit more before doing one final review of it, but I can at least say that if you have an expendable amount of time you want to waste, and a computer 15 years of age you should set some time aside to check a look at this artistic brain rot. If anything it’s an artful time waster.

Walk Softly And Carry A Big Bow (And Don’t Forget The Arrows)

I spent the day bouncing between feeling nauseated and feeling moderately neato. I was actually contemplating a livestream tonight since it’s been forever since I’ve attempted one, but since I’m not feeling well it’s kind of hard to get into the mind set. I played Betrayer a couple times today, figured a walk in 17th century Virginia would be calming enough, even with skeletons and Spaniards wandering about trying to murder my face.

One of these days I might actually complete the game. 😛 To my credit I did at least finish three games this year (AMID EVIL, Serious Sam 4, and Devil May Cry 5… twice) and I only have over 600 to go! And people wonder why I’m never bored…

Adding AMID EVIL To My Finished Game Roster

AMID EVIL goes on the list of games that I either pre-ordered or supported early on before an official final release, and I’m happy to say I finished it with flying colors, as in colorful weapons killing monsters left and right.

We’ve seen Doom inspire many shooters over these last couple decades (and even re-imagine itself), but when it came to successors to games like Hexen or Heretic that seemed to be a niche no one ever really thought to fill. I’m not sure why other than maybe the lack of guns… but who needs guns when you have a trident that strikes lightning upon your enemies? Or an ice wand that shoves icy dildos into your opponents torso? How about a really fabulous weapons that looks like purple ribbons, but is actually one of the most chaotic weapons in the entire fucking game?

On top of the amazing weapon selection there is also the level design. Some levels had you jump from floating giant droplets of water, to floors appearing under your feet as you walk.There are also tons of secrets throughout these worlds, meaning it gives me some replay value. This is one of those games I’ve played quite a bit between home and work, it feels just right on the Steam Controller.

This game was a delight from start to finish. I would love to see workshop support, and maybe even a sequel. 24/10 will probably play over and over again.

A Story About The Game A Story About My Uncle (Try Saying That Three Times Fast)

I obtained this as a freebie awhile back, and like many I collect freebies for my own amusement. I remember watching some YouTubers play this game, and it looked like a lot of fun but I could never to look for it on Steam when I found the time, not that it matters now… it was free!

It all starts out with the protagonist telling his child a bedtime story inside a black void. He tells her about his own childhood adventure about the search to find his Uncle Fred who loved to travel to infinity and beyond:

No, really.

Even in the beginning of the game there are all kinds of details scattered around in the form of notes and books, some giving you a heads up on the narration, and even some deep meta:

You can’t see much of it, but there are some pages that even detail information for the player to follow. I like little touches like these in games, it gives you something extra to look for.

Salamander Elsa

The search for your Uncle leads you to a village in what looks like a cavernous alien world with a decent amount of glowing plants, floating rocks and strange glowing writings on the walls that your Salamander Elsa friend (her name is Maddie, but I’ve decided she’s Elsa of the Salamanders) helps you decode along on your journey. She is one of the many salamander people who happen to know your uncle, but alas even they have no idea where he is either. You are at least pointed in a dark and scary direction, of which you’ll most likely find your uncle if you can traverse these dark caverns in your new found suit of course.


You are armed only what is called an adventure suit, which you obtained back at your Uncle’s house. The Adventure Suit gives you the ability to power jump and grapple your way from point to point. You obtain crystals or “power cores” along your journey, and for each one you obtain you can throw an extra grapple before touching the ground. I can currently grapple three times before having to land on the ground to recharge for example.

I accidentally glitched an area of the cave where you meet a one eyed purple people eating worm, and whenever it has its eye open you have to stand perfectly still until it goes back to sleep. I decided to drop off at this point last night, and upon returning to it today the purple cockworm was stuck asleep.

Lazy Bastard

Oops? At least I made it through the cave, and the worm managed to get a good night’s sleep.

Each world seems to be more abstract than the last. You go from caves, to a skyworld, and currently I’m making my way through some icy mountain caves.

Foxy Boxes

I’m not entirely sure how far I’m into the game, but so far I really like it. You might consider it if you’re into first person platformers, the level design is really something else.

Lets be Bro’s

Broforce is out of Early Access, and now it has a cool animated trailer!

I remember when a good Norwegian friend gifted this to me. It wasn’t my birthday, it wasn’t any particular holiday other than the fact I’m from Murica’. And I’ve come to love how silly this game is.It’s playable with a keyboard, a controller, or if you have a friend over you can play with up to 4 controllers. You can also play online, which I have been as I have recently recruited a Canadian bro. At some point I’ll have to go through some footage I’ve captured of our American adventures with lots of explosives and the murdering of Satan and aliens.

Broforce, it’s Terreria if it were made by Michael Bay.