Imaginative Unrest

I finished up my cosmic melon! Unfortunately I’m not in a position to show it, but now I can move onto reading over the script I wrote during vacation. Now that I’ve made an imaginary flyer – I need to go over the script to see what my imagination says, before offloading it onto other imaginations for review. I plan to start animating it next week. There is no ETA for when it will be done, but I’m aiming for New Years.

This Thread Is Brought To You By A Creepy Clown Mascot

Posing these images is proving to take a tad longer than previously anticipated. It takes a lot of time to make sure these things turn out juuuuust right. I have four more to make and then I’ll have all the stills to add to the credits! I’ll probably take a break from it for the weekend, maybe even livestream something if I have the energy.

If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words WTF Can Be Said For These?

I played around in Krita a bit tonight, and I’m already having a blast editing images! Playing around mainly with manual colour grading and grain for dramatic effect (such as it is).

I still have a couple more scenes to pose, and other photos to play with. More to look forward to tomorrow!

That Was Quick

Stage 2 of the project is done! I’ve rendered my work from yesterday, compiled it in Shotcut, and tomorrow I’ll play with it a bit more in Shotcut and probably After Effects, maybe even Krita if I can squeeze it in. It’ll be something to look forward to tomorrow after a long day of tolerating the intolerant.

Could Krita Be My Photoshop Replacement?

I’ve been striving for years to use more Open Source programs when applicable, especially when it comes to production purposes. I was happy when I could happily say that I no longer needed to install Premiere Pro when I stumbled onto Shotcut as a worthy free and Open Source alternative. Now I think I’ve possibly found an alternative for my Photoshopping needs.

From Krita’s Website

I’ve been bouncing back and forth between GIMP and Krita for a number of years now, and I could never really get used to GIMP, and I preferred Krita in terms of layout and additional options that are very similar to Photoshop IMO (and in some cases even better). I’ve been using it for basic image resizing, playing with filter options, and tonight I did some slight retexturing to a model in SFM. I’ve also been meaning to set aside time to try playing around with Krita and my Wacom tablet. Linux has support for Wacom drawing peripherals, and Krita seems to have a good target focus on drawing; they even have options for comic panels!

Even when I’m in Windows I’m using it Krita in place of Adobe. In fact; under Windows I don’t even have Photoshop installed; kinda funny considering I have CS5 installed and working under Manjaro. I highly recommend checking it out if you’re looking for an Open Source alternative, or if you want to ween yourself off of Adobe’s overrated swag.