Memorial Day Brunch With a French Twist

I wanted to make a more fancier brunch than usual, being it’s a holiday and everything… I made an omelette filled with blue cheese, and topped with grape tomatoes and onions cooked in oil and balsamic vinegar. I also bought some French Bread made with cranberries and blueberries, layered with some sweetened cream cheese and berries. The bacon is there by default. 😛 With their powers combined, they gave me Memorial Day Itis.

Happy Memorial Day

I had the day off for a change. Didn’t do much apart from sleep and do some Skyrimming. I became a bard!


I was pretty exhausted from yesterday, so pretty much slept most of the morning and day (that and I’m still getting over a cold). I went to the fair and got some watermelon cotton candy which tastes surprisingly good. That was pretty much the entire highlight of the fair this year… What was really fun was going to the local airport, they were giving out $20 rides in planes. I managed to get some footage while up in the air. I’ll get around to posting it maybe tomorrow, or soon. In the meantime my brother got some real nice pictures at his blog of the planes. I managed to snap a few myself.







Hope everyone had a nice day today.