DMC5 + Microtransactions = Predictable

I guess Devil May Cry 5 is falling victim to microtransactions:

“With giving people the ability to purchase Red Orbs, it’s something we want to give people as an option. If they want to save time and just want to get all the stuff at once, those people can do that. But on the other hand I don’t feel you have to get all the moves. You should be able to play it the way you want to play it.”

Needless to say I’m not entirely surprised by the news; when DMC4:SE released it had a bunch of DLC you could purchase that would give you extra orbs, plus unlock all modes and versions of Dante, Nero and Vergil. I never bought the DLC because I wanted to play it the old school way (even though at the time it released on PC before I could get my hands on the HD collection). Still, considering this is a single player game it seems rather cheap to just purchase your way through a good portion of the game instead of earning it yourself. What’s to stop someone from modding their game instead? I could understand it better if you wanted to purchase new levels or maybe even skins. But to me it seems like they’re exploiting gamers who don’t have the patience to learn or are too lazy to mod cheats into their game… Yeah, I honestly believe there is more effort in modding or hacking your game than purchasing handicaps.

Today I played a good chunk of DMC1, and while I hate to admit that the game has kicked my ass more than I’d like to share, its still fun facing these challenges. I hate sounding like one of those asshats that despises new people coming into a game and making a big stink about not playing it the same way that I’m doing it, or how gamers these days need to have their hands held through every obstacle, and to be honest those people make me cringe… THIS however strikes a chord with me, and seems lazy for both parties. Capcom makes a buck off of lazy gamers that want a good chunk of stuff handed to them, and the gamers get what they want by opening up their wallets and throwing them at their singleplayer game.

Is this going to put me off from buying the game? No. Am I going to pre-order? I already said in a previous thread no. I’ll buy the game, but I’m filing it under Shadow Of The Tomb Raider status: I’ll get to it when the prices go down. I have enough on my plate as it is, like meeting up with friends in other games to smoke a fucking eyeball.

Much like this picture I just find this use of microtransactions to be rather ridiculous. Now excuse me while I smoke a fat eyeball and hit the hay.

Shadow Of War Microtransactions are now on death row

This is what happens when you raise enough hell and vote with your own feet. Shadow Of War will be getting free updates, one of them involving the removal of microtransactions.

Please note that the above updates are free for all Shadow of War owners. The ability to purchase Gold will permanently cease on May 8, 2018. The permanent removal of Gold, War Chests and the Market will take place on July 17, 2018, at the same time as all other updates discussed above.

Honestly I’m a little surprised by this. I would have expected them to completely ride it out taking money in any way they could. The negative press must have had quite the impact on them if they’re removing their store entirely. This should be a lesson to other companies that plan on trying or are currently using similar tactics. This never should of happened in the first place, especially for a single player game for fucks sake.

Are save slots a lucrative business?

I’ll admit, like I said the other night I didn’t get to experience much of Metal Gear Survive, though I did like it enough to consider buying it down the road perhaps during a sale… Mainly because of my scheduling preventing me from properly enjoying multiplayer matches and the microtransactions. Well, Konami has found another thing to charge people for, and it isn’t even a lootcrate? Want an extra save slot? It’ll cost ya.

Oh, Konami. We already knew that Metal Gear Survive would include microtransactions, but folks who picked up a copy the game yesterday have discovered Konami has come up with a creative new way to nickel-and-dime their customers. It seems Metal Gear Survive only comes with a single free save slot – if you want a second one you’ll have to pony up a significant chunk of extra cash.

I’ll probably buy it still in the future should the price be right and the planets align so that I can enjoy multiplayer sessions more often again, perhaps around that time the full game will come in its own pack… Kinda like a full game. :trollface: Besides, I still have a large collection of games to finish, with no microtransactions. :v:

On that note I have a hypothetical question: If I were to stream a particular Metal Gear game, what one would be the most interesting to start with and why? At this point I have access to all the games. :happy: