Open Thread

Yesterday I was too busy/tired to write anything. My main job wiped my ass out, and after work I went over to the doc’s office to take care of their SSL certs. I’ll be heading over there again next week to discuss other things involving the site, and also I’ll be doing some photography for them. They wanted to take pics of the offices using a smartphone, I volunteered my camera for the job. It has more megapixels. 😛

Then when I got home I played around a bit in Skyrim and made dinner. We had a nice chicken potato curry, and there’s lots of leftovers which will ensure that I’ll have plenty of food for work. 😛

So today I decided to relax instead with the usual activities. I’ve been following the Path Of The Druid quest and gained the ability to become an ice wolf.


There are other abilities I can obtain, like fire and earth. Right now I just think it’s funny being able to shapeshift into an ice breathing wolf at will. 😛

Oh, and I had a scary occurrence.


This guy… He looks like Tommy Wiseau. HOW?!?!?!?!

Guns and a TARDIS, the joys of Skyrim

Figured I’d share these pics:


I forgot that I purchased a “gun” in the Wheels Of Lull questline I think? It’s either that or Dwemertech… I had it loaded with electric bolts, really packs a punch even with regular ones. 😛


Now I have a new thing to find (like pretty much the rest of everything I’ve installed), a TARDIS. Should be fun when I find it. 😛

Obligatory Skyrim Post

Had a calm beautiful day. I relaxed a bit this morning with some Skyrim:

First part of the day: Admire sword before I give it a blood bath.



The animals didn’t give me any trouble thanks to one of the blessings I received in the Levelers Tower. So I was able to walk and stand along side bears, wolves, spiders etc. I only had to kill Spriggians and bandits. 😀

Happy Easter!

All dressed up to hunt eggs! Oh, and stab people.

Decided to celebrate Easter by going into Skyrim, putting some bunny ears on, then go looking for eggs in the Levelers Tower.


I’ve also been decorating the place with all the weapons and armor I’ve found… Everything is still kinda bare, but that shouldn’t take too long if I keep adventuring.

Adventuring through the Wheels of Lull

I’ve discovered the Wheels of Lull. It’s additional content for Skyrim that adds more quests, custom NPC’s with excellent voice work, and kind of a tech theme to it. Not to mention custom weapons and armor. Check out what I’ve obtained:



A fancy watch AND a strange visor. A Skyrim VR Headset perhaps? 😛

It feels like the first time

Last Saturday evening my Skyrim character could no longer save once I returned to Wyrmstooth. But much like the mighty pheonix my character was reborn anew. Starting over again isn’t so bad considering there are lots of different ways of playing the game, even morseo if you add tons and tons of mods. My friends recommended some to me that add extra lands and objects to the game, and I even ventured out on my own to make the game “fabulous”.


That armor…. That hair!

I found an interesting lair today a bit outside Whiterun.


Going inside leads you to a gem dragon. Upon destroying it you’ll earn it’s head and some other swag.

I’ve also added some different children to the game. One thing that always bothered me was that you had all these races you could play as and run into… but the children are so plain and look so much alike. So I added a mod that improves how the children look, added extra children’s clothing, and even added little khajits.


My new character is completely different! I added a scarf…


My playstyle is a bit different this time around. I’m taking the time to learn more about alchemy, and doing some enchanting here and there. I’m not sure how anyone can properly claim to “finish” this game. It feels like it never ends.

The Skyrim is still strong in this one


I’ve gotten back into Skyrim again over the last few days. Partly because there’s still so much to do in it, and so many more places to visit since I’ve installed more mods. We’ve also been taking ideas from my dreams, like throwing the idea around of creating a custom adventure. If this became an actual thing it would probably remain a private adventure because it wouldn’t make sense to anyone else. But basically we’re giving my character a story. We already have a book and a ring, so that’s pretty cool.


I won’t go into full detail about it, as that could become a novel. But the ring is cursed and the book I found explains what the curse does among other things. The curse itself isn’t really terrible either. In fact it’s quite fabulous you could say, and overall strange. I can’t really explain it without going into full detail. And the details would ruin most peoples Skyrim immersions. :v

But ever since I was younger I’ve always liked taking my dreams and doing things with them. I would turn them into stories, and later on when software and computers became more powerful I would turn them into animations, now my Skyrim dreams seem to be transforming into a mod. 😀

Pay to play mods for skyrim?

Steam updated their steam workshop to allow modders the option of making money off of their community contributions. So far this only seems to involve skyrim. But other games could soon follow. I’m not exactly sure if I’m on board with the idea.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great if you could get paid doing what you love. But I see this as a system that could be abused, or the devs just gave up. What if a mod doesn’t work correctly with another mod after the 24 hour period you’re allowed to request a refund? What if it breaks and the creator declares it abandoned? People have also been pulling their mods from the skyrim nexus and putting them up on workshop to make money off of other peoples work.

I dread to think what will happen when/if this system is implemented into other workshop games. Especially in games that have tons and tons of addons that don’t always work together.

Adding this to my list of things to mod in MGS5.

I’ve promised myself that I wouldn’t mod the new Metal Gear until I finish at least the first run through. But I’m definitely adding this to my list of things that need to be done when I finish.

From what I’ve been reading it’s surprisingly moddable. You can change the weather and, as you can see swap out the models. Like replacing Snake with Kojima.


Metal Gear titles for the PC should have been continued looooooong after MGS2.