Sunday Night Open Thread

I’ve been keeping myself preoccupied between SFM, cooking a kick ass breakfast this morning, and finally getting things together for the Digital Ocean transition. The first project is setting up the mumble server, which is pretty much done other than having to tweak a few settings and manually putting in a startup service to auto launch the server after a reboot. I setup a droplet with the latest version of CentOS. Once I have that completely setup I’ll look into moving the websites and additional files I plan to fast host for Quake 3 and TF2.

I’ll go over it again with a fresh set of eyes tomorrow.


Solved a problem I’ve been having with the murmur voice chat server. It kept shutting off every two hours (turns out it was my webhost for reasons I can’t explain). I’ve been tinkering with scripts and even wrote one up in vi. Had problems making it into a cron job due to some stupid reason. I figured it out but it took being a total smartass to try it. Now if the server shuts off it will auto restart in about a minute or less. If it detects that it’s already running it will terminate the process and come back one minute later.

Good, now I can go to work or out for a walk and not have to worry about the server comitting sepuku.