Fus Ro Greenscreen!

I didn’t get much done in the way of animation tonight; It was mostly spent posing and adding on accessories to our characters. I’ll probably begin animating it tomorrow. This project will probably take me awhile to finish, and probably won’t see release until next month at the very latest.

I’m thinking once I reach September I’ll try and look through the video lineup I have for December. If possible I’d like to try and finish some Left 4 Dead videos revolving around a winter campaign. I left off with two videos done, and one in progress with one more to follow. It’ll be fun seeing if I remember anything from where I stopped, heh.

Late Night Open Thread

I don’t have much to write. Just enjoying some green chai and eggnog, all the while working on some animation. I still have a bit to go, but next December’s videos are coming along quite nicely! I’m working on the third installment currently, and there will probably be a fourth. I’m actually moving along at a decent rhythm. I’ll probably be done with this particular saga by the end of the year, just in time to start on another project(s)! I’m planning to return to working on the Amnesia one, which is appropriate because I forgot where I left off on that particular one! Fortunately, I kept notes before moving onto the more wintery stuffs.

Getting My Groove Back

I’ve got all my ducks in a row for work tomorrow; clothes are ready, morning iced tea is brewed, the awesome tablet is ready to join my gaming laptop for tomorrow’s adventures! Now I’m just having some raspberry pink moscato, along with the last bit of raspberry tea in my pot … lotta raspberry beverage stuff going on and I didn’t plan for that. 😛

I did get some audio work done for the upcoming Bayonetta video; shaved the animation audio down to over two minutes, and there are plans in the works for another “special” ending. I have the audio imported into two SFM sessions… I know I probably say this on every single one of these projects, but I’ll be doing a few different things that I haven’t done before. 😛  I’m sure there will be a few happy accidents along the way, but that’s how learning goes with these things. I’m sure I’ll be here bitching about it if I run into any problems. :v

There is a video on the way… eventually.

I decided to be productive-ish and work on a video I’ve been meaning to finish (I also made homemade mac n cheese, it was gooood). I’m still not close to being done, maybe 1/4th of the way if anything. But I want this to be more than just a “lets play”. I said earlier this month that I wanted to add character representations of myself (and others if available) into my future projects instead of just doing straight recordings. To whet some appetites I did take make a couple pics to share.


I have a little more of “myself” to animate, but I have over half of THAT portion done. Then it’s onto Yutram and DG who will be easy in the sense that they have limbs to operate but no face. Which compliments my character who is all eye and no body, but that’ll change for a couple seconds later into the video. I experimented with cloaking and particles to make a magical transformation scene.


As clearly detailed by that picture, I’m morphing from one ball into two balls. Actually once the video is done you’ll be able to see what model those two balls belong to… Heh, don’t worry. It’s not like that at all. I mean c’mon, this isn’t RedTube.

Early Morning Open Thread

I’ve been pretty out of it the last few days due to having to rise earlier than usual. Fortunately for me I return to my usual swing shift schedule tomorrow which I’m glad about. I’ve literally been coming home and crashing in bed, eating, then crashing again. I basically made a nest in my bed and enjoyed big picture mode for whenever I was awake enough to play something. Because of this I’ve been having fun playing sidescrollers lately, which you might have noticed with BroForce. 😛

By the way, there will be more BroForce videos released every Sunday for the next few weeks. I’ve also started uploading my videos using 60 FPS instead of 30. Took some careful studying but I have a few nice presets for rendering in Premiere.

I don’t have much else to write. There’s a particular project I’ve been following for awhile now. I won’t go into detail about it or how I feel about what’s been taking place since after all I didn’t pay the proper 5 digit amount to really have a say about anything. Besides. I have other games and hobbies to keep myself busy with as per the instructions.

So I have a tumblr now.

Well, for about a week anyway. I decided to make one so that I could access pictures to torture a certain tumblr whore friend of mine. Now that I have one I’m thinking I might use it for syndicating my videos, and random SFM pictures that I’d like to share that might be for steam, like maybe works in progress for videos, or nonsensical things like this:


Early Morning Open Thread

I wasted about 3 hours trying to compile a video in SFM. For the first two hours it wouldn’t compile a video due to a permissions setting, then the third hour was wasted rendering a video that it didn’t want to play. I got around it by rendering it again as an mov instead of an mp4. Even then it gave me a shit fit but at least Premiere loaded it properly so that I could encode it as an f4v. It still needs to be edited in with other stuff but the bulk of the next video is done. On the bright side my room stayed plenty warm due to my CPU and GPU working their arses off.

I guess now I can lie in bed and listen to the raindrops outside my window and fall into a deep sleep like I did last night.