Boss… harder!

Today I told my fellow co-worker about my exploits through MGSV, and I mentioned how funny it was to practice CQC on your staff and see the following dialogue:

Then he had to tell me that of course they were happy to be manhandled by Big Boss, and that he’d even love to be in the same position. Mind you, the guy I’m talking to is practically a male clone of Bayonetta. Add onto that my bizarre imagination and access to a computer and you get this:

I’m not kidding, he has a similar hairstyle. Another one of my co-workers and I keep trying to convince him to wear high heels for us and he keeps refusing. Not because he doesn’t want to, he just can’t walk in them. :v:

Every time I work with him it’s another adventure. I almost feel like making illustrations of our encounters… :melon:

There is a video on the way… eventually.

I decided to be productive-ish and work on a video I’ve been meaning to finish (I also made homemade mac n cheese, it was gooood). I’m still not close to being done, maybe 1/4th of the way if anything. But I want this to be more than just a “lets play”. I said earlier this month that I wanted to add character representations of myself (and others if available) into my future projects instead of just doing straight recordings. To whet some appetites I did take make a couple pics to share.


I have a little more of “myself” to animate, but I have over half of THAT portion done. Then it’s onto Yutram and DG who will be easy in the sense that they have limbs to operate but no face. Which compliments my character who is all eye and no body, but that’ll change for a couple seconds later into the video. I experimented with cloaking and particles to make a magical transformation scene.


As clearly detailed by that picture, I’m morphing from one ball into two balls. Actually once the video is done you’ll be able to see what model those two balls belong to… Heh, don’t worry. It’s not like that at all. I mean c’mon, this isn’t RedTube.

So I have a tumblr now.

Well, for about a week anyway. I decided to make one so that I could access pictures to torture a certain tumblr whore friend of mine. Now that I have one I’m thinking I might use it for syndicating my videos, and random SFM pictures that I’d like to share that might be for steam, like maybe works in progress for videos, or nonsensical things like this:
