Sometimes You Can See The Stars But Never See The Light

Finished piecing my latest SFM work into the current video project. Right now I’m rendering another SFM composition to add as an “intro” for this particular video I’m working on. I won’t make a habit of doing that (or at least I’ll try not to) but since this video is pretty pointless I see no reason not to include an “introduction” of sorts. I still need to do some polishing on the audio and start a recording session for the final bit. I think I’ll have time for that tomorrow; it’s gonna be a short and early day which will present me with an opportunity to get some more stuff done, video or otherwise.

Yep… still here.

To everyone in the US who reads my blog; I hope you all had a happy 4th. I took a nap after getting home yesterday so I could stay up and watch the fireworks (may as well, the noise alone would keep me up anyway). We had a nice view of the fireworks from our backyard now that we are minus a giant tree. I spent today finishing up animating the dialogue. It’s all exported and ready to compile in Shotcut.

Now I just need to think of what to end on.

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Today was a stay in bed day. I got up long enough to make breakfast, and do a little internet shopping (purchased a couple 4TB Hitachi’s) plus some script writing. Then suddenly an accidental nap happened, still feeling a little on the feverish side… hopefully I’ll feel better in the morning.


I also managed to do a little scene prep today. So far SFM still seems to functioning, though it still lags when moving a camera or a model. That may prove a bit problematic when animating, will have to test that theory tomorrow; I’m feeling sleepy again…

Evening Open Thread

I played around a bit in SFM under Linux. So far the only issue I’ve seen crop up so far is some fps issues when manually rotating the camera. I’m thinking of transferring SFM to another one of my hot swap drives to see if it happens to be a matter of an old hard drive showing its age or if that’s just a thing with running it through Proton. I did a test render under my old Linux install and didn’t run into an issue… then again I’m starting to export my SFM projects as tga stills. I will say it does seem to crash a lot less under Linux, especially when downloading workshop files.

I also found time to jot down some silly idea scribbles, about four videos worth. One of them I don’t have much animation planned for though (related to the After Dark livestream). I might just take a break from it for the weekend though, depending on what I have planned.

Comfy on the inside

I felt a little artsy today which resulted in things such as scene building in SFM, and writing down animation points for two upcoming videos. I’ll extract some audio tomorrow if I have time. My second attempt at getting the proper SSD should be taking place tomorrow, and if I’m not completely wiped from work I’d fancy installing a clean Linux install on it.

Aaaaaaand I’m back!

I’m on day two of my four day weekend, and if you were around last night you would have noticed I kicked it off quite nicely:


I know of at least three scenes I’ll be able to pull out of that adventure. Other than that I’ve still been continuing onward with my video project. I can honestly say that I have one more scene in SFM to render and I’ll be headed back into Linux to edit it all back together into one disasterpiece.

Mouthwords Cometh

Sorry for not writing for these last few days. I’ve been fighting allergies, muscle pain and trying to understand this new job I’m being forced to do. So far I’m not really liking it, and I’m not sure if it’s because of my lack of knowledge or the person that I’ve been working with. She’s been guiding me through what I need to take care of, but I have quite a few n00bish questions and I often feel like I’m annoying her; I seem to hear it more and more in her voice as things continue on, and then sometimes she just switches back to being a happy person. I’m thinking it might just be me, though others have been taking notice that she is rather bitchy, and I’m just a fool. I thought working at night with paperwork wouldn’t be a bad gig, but in some ways I’m not sure if this or my daily bustle with the public is more nerve wracking; All I can do is try my best and learn from the inevitable mistakes I’ve been making. I go from moments where I actually figured something out, to not knowing my own ass from a hole in the ground. :assy: :zorak:

I’ve still been crashing not long after getting home, and waking up in the afternoon. So far this is my only favorite aspect of the whole ordeal, waking up and enjoying a breakfast, a shower, whatever I have time for. I haven’t had time to really play any games lately, other than a little bit of AMID EVIL the other day. That one I’ll have to make more time for. It’s like a blend of the original Quake and Heretic (you’re even labeled as a heretic in the game). It runs on Unreal Engine 4, and it’s well optimized to run on even the most fabulous toaster. It runs quite decently under Proton, haven’t played it under Windows yet…. which is funny because I’ve mainly been living under Windows again due to Source Filmmaker on that really ambitious project I’ve been working on.

For almost a month now I’ve been working on this particular video, and I still have a ways to go on it due to the amount of animation I’ve been pouring into it among help from friends in other fields, such as script writing and additional voice work and modelling… Yutram is very talented, we even came up with an idea for one of the worst television shows in history that may someday see actual video form… if I can call it animation. :trollface:

I’m thinking when I pick back up on this again (possibly tomorrow) I’ll still be working on this particular scene. The video is short enough that I want to try and making my own Kojima inspired cutscene, but make it even more ridiculous. I can only describe this as if Kojima worked together with a flamboyant Daedric Prince on drugs provided by Suda51 and the Bleu Cheese olives in my refrigerator.

That is a delightful note to take a nap on. :rick:

Who dat?

The current video I’m working on is going to have a lot of animation, enough that it might take me a few weeks to put this one out. My target day would be April 30th but I’m not sure if I’ll make the deadline. I spent a good chunk of time playing with particles and models, and doing a couple test flights so to speak. I’ll probably hammer it out a bit more tomorrow, we have more bad weather on the way and that should be enough to keep me focused. I might make some hot cocoa, haven’t made myself any in awhile…

No stream tonight… Have some food and SFM porn instead

Today was a rainy day. A perfect time to do some laundry, a little animation, and make soup and sandwich to keep heat in them thar bones. I made my first attempt of Manhattan style Clam Chowder with a grilled cheese with buffalo chicken, pepper jack  and a couple steakhouse tomatoes inside of sourdough wheat bread. I was missing the fresh parsley, but managed to make due by using a little bit of dried parsley with a shredded carrot at an attempt at something similar. I regret nothing. :meseeks:

I also managed to edit a few scenes today and clean my bedding at the same time, that I may lay my clean head of hair on a clean pillow for what may or may not be clean dreams. I just need to make it through one more day, and I’ll be free for a little over a week.  I’ll have time to be productive on things I enjoy, and I’ll have to promise to do something nice for myself if the weather permits… like maybe take myself out for a latte or sushi or something, and perhaps a small shopping adventure either local or over teh interwebz. :zorak:

I anticipate there will be more streaming as well. :melon: