Digital Pr0n Open Thread
Yesterday (and today) I spent more time in SFM trying to get more of my project accomplished. When I went to try and export a …
Yesterday (and today) I spent more time in SFM trying to get more of my project accomplished. When I went to try and export a …
Ordinarily I don’t do steak two nights in a row, but that seems to be the majority of what is in the deep freeze. I …
Today I told my fellow co-worker about my exploits through MGSV, and I mentioned how funny it was to practice CQC on your staff and …
I decided to be productive-ish and work on a video I’ve been meaning to finish (I also made homemade mac n cheese, it was gooood). …
Another conversation I decided to animate. Bongmaster (Monoculus) forgot to get the ice cream. Claims bacon is a dessert.
Well, for about a week anyway. I decided to make one so that I could access pictures to torture a certain tumblr whore friend of …
Based off of a weird dream I had last night, This is almost exactly what I saw.
Source Filmmaker has now been made into a public beta! In the words of The Gman Squad, GET IN THERE YA FAGGOTS!!!!
Everyone’s seen it, but in case you haven’t here it is: Now that you’ve seen that, check out the new items for the pyro! Yes, …