Some Zen and Spring Cleaning

My first act of spring cleaning was to do a little bit of dusting. I tried washing a wall, but the lighting in here was too terrible for me to want to do it efficiently. Instead I cleaned a five tier shelf of mine that I keep a bunch of random odds and ends on, but after thinking about it I’m thinking of storing my Asian tea cups and bowls on them since they would match the shelving perfectly. That will probably be my after work project tomorrow. I don’t really have a dedicated place for storing all of them, and it might be a good idea to change that so I can better organize.

After the cleaning of my shelves as well as myself it was time for a little bit of play after a day of work. So I wandered the forests of Kena: Bridge of Spirits and tried to remember what I was trying to do. Instead I hunted down a missing Rot in the Taro’s Tree area. It might be a good idea to make some time for this again tomorrow night, something about drinking tea and enjoying the scenery is nice after a long day.

Some Changes Be A Comin’

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I’ve begun looking into doing a redesign of the website, already downloaded some new templates and have already played with customising them. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for quite awhile now, and I want to make it look good on as many devices as possible. I sometimes check my blog on smaller devices, like my tablet, laptop, etc and want to look into making it look nice on as many platforms as possible. Spring has sprung, and it’s time to give this place a bit of a facelift. I might play with it a bit more tomorrow, but don’t expect any changes overnight.