Red Dead Redemption 2 Runs Better Under Linux?

I stumbled across this in my RSS feed the other day, and as someone who traverses between Windows and Linux frequently I was quite happy to read about this. Apparently if you own an AMD GPU then congratulations, you’ll have better performance under Linux rather than Windows .

The fact there is no native Linux client for RDR2 and there is a considerable amount of performance compared to Windows is both hilarious and impressive at the same time. May we see more results as above.

Steam Play Test Results 8/22/18

Now that I’ve had more time to play with the new Steam Play feature I’ve decided to make a list for what I tested last night and this afternoon:

  1. DOOM 2016: Default OpenGL version failed to load; had to rename DOOM64VK.exe to DOOM64.exe in order for it to launch. Everything but the mouse worked.
  2. Quake Champions: Locked up solid, had to reset.
  3. Hard Reset Redux: Worked perfectly.
  4. Obduction: Same result as Quake Champions.
  5. Blade Kitten: Didn’t even try to run.
  6. Tomb Raider Underworld: Keeps steady frame rate for the most part, but dislikes the Steam Overlay no matter which monitor I run it on (which it kept deciding for me). It also didn’t like me clicking mouse buttons during certain sessions.
  7. MGSV:TPP: Everything but the sky is black.
  8. Commander Keen, but that runs on the Windows version of DOSBox, so kinda hard to fuck up.

I don’t expect every game to work out of the box instantly considering this update only took place yesterday, and the fact we’re able to even attempt this at all is amazing. I feel like it’ll only get better from here. Like I said in my previous post, if anyone has a suggestion for what to test next feel free to let me know, you can have a look at my game library if you’re not sure. I think I’ll take a break from it today to focus on some other stuff. :happy:

Commence the vacationing

It’s official. For the next two weeks I’ll be enjoying some time off, not having to worry about having split days off constantly until I return. Of course I’ve already started it off the right way:

The Ultimate Staring Contest

I’ve also got a couple of large bottles of Merlot for mulling when a cold evening strikes. I’ve also napped to get back on my old vampiric hours. I’ve had to be a morning person to retain my job, but at heart I think I’ll always be a night owl. 😛

Bad headphones. But at least there’s wine!

I ordered some headphones as a birthday present for someone, sadly they have to be returned because they appear to have been used by someone who wore copious amounts of hairspray and hair glitter. So I wrote newegg through ebay, hopefully a resolution can be met.

On the bright side they included a $100 wine voucher for a website called Naked Wines. So I guess I get to go on a little shopping spree. 😀