Holiday Weekend Open Thread

The 4th of July weekend has barely started and I’m already fatigued. On the bright side I FINALLY have the day off when the 4th happens, only took me about 9 years to get it off… Hooray?

Fortunately customers have been nice for the most part, with a few oddballs from time to time. I had one guy today who wanted me to evaluate his laptop to see how much it was worth, not something that we do but I figured meh, why not?

He wanted to get at least $80 for his tiny Panasonic laptop, the parts in it were too old, the processor was an old Intel Celeron running at 1.8ghz, and a gig of RAM with XP Home. It would cost more to spruce it up than it would be worth to sell. Would be a great candidate for a Linux distro. You know, make it into a lean light web appliance, but he didn’t have the know how, which was understandable since he didn’t even know the differences between Windows versions. I could have probably shown him Windows 1.0 and he would have thought it was some new innovative thing. He tried to get me to buy it because it could “play games”, I didn’t laugh… but I have to tell you it was pretty hard, even for me with my super serious stone cold poker face.

World of the optional worker, oh… and Open Thread

Continued my Skyrim hiatus by chilling on the couch today and playing some DMC4, the special edition. Hack n Slash seemed to fit my mood today, especially after getting a call not that long ago that I’m needed to come and work in the morning for someone. Her kids are sick, which is why I decided to take the shift (that and more money isn’t something to shake a stick at), but I can’t help but notice I’ve been having to cover for her a lot lately. She isn’t a slouch, in fact she’s a really hard dedicated worker. But it seems like if she can find a way to get a day off somehow she’ll do it in a heartbeat. And lately I’ve been getting screwed out of having my usual days off. Considering I’ve been slowly getting better while having to bust my ass to cover for these people, I can’t say that I’m a happy camper.

Because of my line of work I can only ever have days off on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Her consistent days off are Friday and Saturday. But whenever she can it seems like she’ll try to get me to do her work on Sundays. She’s even hinted at me that I should learn her job just in case she can’t make it in. Which is funny because when I fired the same thing back to her she declined because my job has too much heavy lifting… And as I’ve said before I’m a difficult one to replace. Only one person in our department can do my job, and he’s the one I was promoted to replace because he didn’t do the job. The only others are managers, and they have their manager duties to tend to… so unless I schedule my time off way ahead of time or if there’s an emergency that prevents me from working, no one can really do my job.

I’ve also been noticing in my near decade of servitude in the life of the average worker that a lot of people (millennials a few years younger than me specifically with some exceptions to the rule) have this mentality that having a job is an optional thing. Lots of people who I’ve come to know over the years are really nice, but when it comes to their work ethic they are not dependable in the slightest. This is a very bad attitude to have in a limited job economy and they can’t see that at all. One of said workers put in his two weeks notice before going on a trip because he wanted to come back and “start fresh”, a friend of mine is struggling at a job right now after already having a few failed jobs under his belt and is considering quitting for multiple reasons I won’t go into, other than to say they can’t take constructive criticism unless it’s always positive, or go a day without anyone complimenting them on their work. In fact I notice that a lot with people who are just a few years younger than me and hell, even people who are older than me. People don’t grow up. I think growing up is only a physical concept.

People these days seem more likely to be mentally stunted, and I thank some of today’s technology for that. Lots of these people I talk with I notice were either babysat by consoles and games, or are people who can’t talk to you outside work unless you have a smartphone to text on. Hell, the one lady I’m covering for complained that I didn’t have a smartphone so I could get her texts about how “she might not be able to come in and work”, because you know… Calling me at home and using your phone as a, you know… a phone, is just soooo difficult.

I have two days off in a row next week. I’m going to be deliberately busy so I can relax. 😛