Tears of Gaming

Tears of Gaming

Spent some time in Crystar tonight, as part of the remainder of my weekend self care! I finished a couple more chapters, gained a new friend, and learned a bit about some of the souls I’ve been killing. All in all? A productive evening I’d say.

I have to admit, I do like the shining visuals of the labyrinth that is this universes purgatory. I wish I could say more about the combat… Crystar’s combat system very clunky, and leaves a bit to be desired. The fighting gets a bit repetitive; you spawn into purgatory, destroy lost souls and wander finding lost memories until you find the exit and finish your mission. I’m glad they at least gave me an extra character to help add a little variety.

Her name is Kokoro. I teamed up with her, she has some amazing fisting abilities. The voice acting in this game ranges from Ok to B Grade Anime voice acting. I’m thinking next time I play to see if I can load the Japanese vocals instead, just to see how well they compare to English… when I feel the in the mood to play again. :v