Thanks To Microsoft We Have Gamer Nail Polish

Thanks To Microsoft We Have Gamer Nail Polish

Yes, this is a thing.

Xbox and the world’s leading nail polish brand OPI, are teaming up to launch a new gaming-inspired palette for Spring 2022, inviting everyone to play and express their creativity through nail art.

They have quite a selection of colours, with 99% of the names that could only be pulled from a wormhole of cringe, like “You had me at Halo” or “Can’t CTRL Me!”.  Another one in the collection is “Heart and Con-soul”… which should really be Red Ring of Death. If they had Blue Screen Of Death I’d buy that shit right the fuck up. I’d also be pretty chill with Clippy decals. I actually like the idea! But they could of at least hired me to name their products. :v

Tune in next time: When we review Valve’s lipstick with haptic feedback.