That’s One Hot Dinosaur

That’s One Hot Dinosaur

We made it a few more levels into Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light! Together we solved a few challenge tombs, and died everywhere else over and over again in a variety of comical ways that may hopefully provide some potential footage! There’s also a sliiiiight chance that we might have also solved areas in ways we weren’t supposed to… I’ll have to look up some gameplay footage just to compare. 😛

It’s looking like we’re not far from finishing the game. I only have a few more achievements to get and then I can add another one to my completed list! It feels so strange finally being able to say that I’m actually finishing some of these games. Between my Steam Deck and our Weekend Jam sessions I’ve been completing a large selection of stories, and setting myself up for plenty of new ones. More pics can be found over on Mastodon!