The latest thing in the gaming world for people to be really pissy about is the new upcoming Doom movie. My memories of the original Doom movie were never really that great, but like when most movies are announced or coming out I take all information with a grain of salt. It already sounded a bit off that it was going to be a straight to DVD/Blu-Ray movie… but that’s not what the big focus seems to be. There have been arguments in the fanbase over one detail… the protagonist is a woman. Oooh! How horrible! These same people have even been posing the question: What would happen if Hollywood cast a male to play Lara Croft? Considering Tomb Raider is actually heavily inspired by Indiana Jones, who last I checked was a dude… that argument is invalid. Plus there is a male Lara Croft out there, his name is Nathan Drake and he’s part of the Uncharted series… Not that it matters to these people, these extremely manly men need their safespaces unlike the rest of us. :zorak:
Throughout the Doom lore (yes, there is actual lore believe it or not, even more than I realized) there are female characters. Maybe not directly involved with the original game, but in the novels there was Arlene Sanders, and one even existed in Quake III Arena by the name of Crash (not the bandicoot). Of course that still isn’t enough for these so called manly men. I personally could care less if it were a male or female leading in a movie, hell I still don’t understand the anger around last years Ghostbusters being all female.
Back to the argument about gender flipping and how we should all totally be outraged about it. I could name a few movies ideas of my own. What about Pretty Woman, Driving Mr Daisy, Marvin Poppins, or lets really get crazy and make a male version of Juno where the guy gets pregnant, and maybe Legally Blonde where the guy is a bleach blonde surfer dude trying to become a lawyer, or my personal favorite The Brotherhood Of The Traveling Pants! The point I’m trying to make is that like many things this can go both ways, so why not have fun with it? :v:
“Eat, Game, Masturbate”