The Return Of Greydragon

The Return Of Greydragon

Well, like quite a few people on Steam today from the Uru Rocks group. I had an invite sent to me by Greydragon, the former head PR guy of CyanWorlds inc (you may have seen a tagline about him somewhere). I’m rather surprised, as I’m probably one of the most evil Uru community members you would ever know. Damn, I must be losing my touch. 🙁

Anyways since I browse groups I’m a member of quite frequently I also came across this from the Uru Rocks group on Steam: … 866368370/

greydragon wrote: It is kind of sad we can’t change the title of this group. With all the talk about the other Cyan Worlds games, it seems like it should have a different name. What do you all think?

Let it go man, let it go… It’s over and what’s done is done. The 90’s was a good era but you have to move on.

He also took the time to make an exclusive group for himself! Well, until he can find someone from CyanWorlds to join in anyway…