The TF2 halloween event is still awesome.

The TF2 halloween event is still awesome.

Man, I am just LOVING this years TF2 event! Laughed my ass off on a server where we tried to defeat Merasmus. Of course there were some trolls there, plus people were being total assholes to 12 year olds who were actually being polite (surprisingly), needless to say I didn’t use my mic. I wanted some good loot. Btw I’m digging how they did gifts this year. Instead of a bunch of people hunting for one gift or greifing them out of a gift, each person is randomly selected to find it themselves. I managed to get a bunch of spells and cursed items. By the end of the night I even crafted a zombie soldier and sniper. Love the dialogue with them by the way.

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Melon Seed
October 30, 2012 5:14 am

glad to see u back in fine Mettle and having fun,take care