>They just don’t know what to do with me.

>They just don’t know what to do with me.

So my boss calls my work cell and wants to know if I’m willing to come in tomorrow to work. I agree to it and that’s it. My other boss informs me that changes were just made and I didn’t need to come in after all. THEN a few minutes later I get yet another call (this time from my old dept) wondering if I can cover a sick call. I decline because I have plans tomorrow afternoon. Then my boss calls back wanting to confirm that I AM coming in tomorrow. So since he really wants me to I volunteered to do so.

My god… A drunken sailor is more organized.

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~ semplerfi ~
Melon Seed
December 13, 2010 1:14 pm

Ah! There is nothing more entertaining than management with their panties in a bunch. L0L