Vacation Day 13: Vacation Recovery

Vacation Day 13: Vacation Recovery

Today my body reminded me that it has anger issues with me. Having been traveling my diet consisted of whatever takeout we all agreed on for that evening — ranging from fast food to restaurants with curb side pickup, and there was also dehydration during travel. The first tea I made once setting foot in the house was Sweet Watermelon mixed with Jasmine Pearls; it was a perfect finish to a summer like evening and a nice taste of summer when the autumn fog rolled in. I didn’t get out of bed until afternoon hit. It also took me awhile to get my stomach to decide on something to eat, there was so much salt going through my body that you’d swear I drank tears from the Fortnite community or some shit. I’m finally starting to feel better, and I’m fortunate that digital shopping doesn’t require getting out of chillin’ clothes.

As predicted I’ll be jumping back into the hole come Tuesday… I should be fully recovered from my vacation to return by then. 😛